At the top of my article in a black box, I see a "content warning". What does that mean?
This is an automated notification that only you and HubPages administrators can see; other Hubbers and readers cannot see it. It is triggered by certain words that are in your article, and is simply a notification that, if it is indeed on the topic it states, the article needs to comply with certain standards. Be sure to click on the link to read more relevant information.
Specifically, some subjects are not permitted within the HubPages rules or terms of use and the content warning serves as notice of that. In those cases, if your article has been incorrectly identified you can safely ignore the warning, though you may also email us incorrectly identified articles (please include a link to the article in question). We may use your example to fine tune the filter that identifies articles in that area.
Other subjects have become saturated with low-quality articles published by affiliate marketers. In these topic areas, articles written must be of exceptional quality and can not contain affiliate links. The content warnings serve as notice of this restriction. If we believe that your article does contain affiliate or promotional links, an additional warning will appear and the article will be blocked from publication.