What is the Quality Assessment Process and how does it work?
It is important that HubPages maintains a reputation for high-quality content. The Quality Assessment Process (QAP) is the process by which we use to determine the general quality level of an article. This assessment is used to determine how and where your content will appear on HubPages.
All articles are evaluated by the QAP after they are published. Published articles are re-evaluated whenever they are updated by the author, but they may also be re-evaluated based on random sampling. After an article is published, one or both of the following can happen:
- A quality assessment review by a HubPages Moderator
- If an article fails to generate or maintain some search traffic over time, an article may be de-Featured
It can take up to 48 hours for an article to be reviewed through the QAP. During that time, it will remain published, it’s just not Featured. A published article is live and viewable on the Internet.
A Featured article has been indexed by search engines, can be seen on HubPages topic pages, may show up in the Related or Popular sections of other articles, and has the chance to be evaluated for acceptance to our one of our Network sites.