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21 Things to Do on Your 21st Birthday

Updated on February 25, 2014
It's your 21st birthday! Time to celebrate!
It's your 21st birthday! Time to celebrate! | Source

A 21st birthday in American is not just seen as another year on the books; it’s a rite of passage for many, celebrating the coming of age where you are no longer limited by your age to drink in both private and public places.

With this being said, the following list of 21 things to do on your 21st birthday!

We understand, though, that not everybody enjoys drinking, even if it is just for the sake of turning 21; therefore, we have added a couple of things on this list of 21 things to do on your 21st birthday for the enjoyment of those who like to maintain a blood-alcohol level of 0.00!


Get a Drink!

You're 21, so have a drink!

1. Buy a drink!: You have to do this on your 21st birthday. Although, you might get funny looks because you likely still look 12, you’ll eventually get the green flag from the cashier and maybe even a “happy birthday!”

2. Go to a bar: Do this with friends or significant other, though, so you don’t look like you have an alcohol problem already.

3. Go on a pub crawl: This is something to do with friends as well. Park your cars somewhere in a big city and hit all of the bars around those blocks until you can’t remember where or who you are.

4. Play beer pong: But instead of the traditional six or 10 cup rounds, you must play at least one round with 21 cups! Good luck!

5. Tour a local brewery: If you have a beer company nearby, call and ask about a tour and tasting!

6. Wine tasting: Probably more for the ladies, get a few girls together who are also already 21 and go on a wine tasting lunch date!

7. Host a drinking scavenger hunt: Each time a person gets to the destination, they must take the bottle and shot glass sitting there, take a shot, then proceed, possibly staggering to the next destination.


Party with Friends!

8. Throw a huge party: I’m talking, huge. Like, hire a local band for live, awesome music, have a giant cookout, some fireworks, whatever. Make it an all out, crazy party for your big 2-1.

9. Party at a club: Up for dancing to some rave music while enjoying drinks that are glowing in the black lights? Hit the club with a few friends and let the club throw the party for you!

10. Do something crazy: Why not do something out of the ordinary?! Ever imagine going skydiving, bungee jumping, or deep sea diving? This is a golden reason to go all out! Just don’t drink beforehand.

11. Rent a party bus: Go out for a night on the town and party with friends while someone else does the driving. Safe and fun, you can’t go wrong!

12. Throw a “stock the liquor cabinet” party: Include on the invites that each attendee must bring a bottle of liquor or mixer. At the end of the party, you end up with lots of leftovers for future parties!

13. Try your luck at a casino: You and your friends can try your hand at Blackjack or relax at the slots! Regardless what game you're into, you're bound to have a great time!

14. Have a slumber party: Keep the party going all night with some fun sleepover ideas!


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Celebrate on the Down Low!

Don't want to make a big fuss over being 21? No problem! You can still have a great time with your closest buds!

15. Go out to dinner: Dress up nicely and go out with a few friends, family, or your significant other for dinner and a drink or two, being careful not to overdo it since you’re now old and have to work the next day.

16. Take a camping trip: Don’t forget the cooler, of course! Get a few of your closest friends together and go camping somewhere.

17. Go on a dinner cruise: If you are near any ports that have ships offering these services, take full advantage and have a blast!

18. Rent a boat: Go deep sea fishing, or just stay close to shore partying it up on a boat! Be careful, though; they say you get drunk faster while on a boat.

19. Go on a road trip: Leave the beer at home for this one! Take a one-day, site-seeing road trip with your friends to somewhere you've never been before, even if it is BFE!

20. Get a special birthday cake: Okay, so this one isn't exactly up to the birthday chick or dude, but the age is not official until you've seen the candles on the cake!

21. See where the day takes you: Leave it up to your friends and family to ensure your 21st birthday is an unforgettable (or very forgettable!) birthday!

Party All Weekend Long!

If you really want to be in for a fun birthday, try making a weekend of it while trying to accomplish everything on this list.

Though, you’ll win nothing but a hangover, it might make some great memories. Well, that is what the pictures are for, at least!


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