A Christmas Poem: Merry Christmas Peace on Earth
A Christmas Poem: Merry Christmas Peace on Earth
The silent night split by laughter,
Christians shaking hands with each other.
Children sleeping, tiny hearts all aflutter,
Dreaming of slay bells, Rudolf, and Santa
Spirits stir by the joyous hymn,
Sweet voices hail the newborn King.
He is the light that never grows dim,
We celebrate in adoration of him.
Bitterness and anger are all forgotten,
Goodwill prevails, no child is misbegotten
Like children, we are new and chaste,
Love touches the heart with each embrace.
Today we strive to forget our differences,
The bells of Christmas sound the advances,
Old enemies unite, breaking down fences,
Crossing barriers and lowering defences.
The power of love transcends all other,
Strong as steel, and tender like a flower;
The light that shines into the darkest corners,
Can lift the hearts of a million mourners.