CHRISTMAS: Searching for the BEST GIFT... Where do you even begin to look?
Where Do You Find Relief From All The Madness?
It will be a party unlike any others... to put all celebrations to shame. An event to go down in the records of time as something that had NEVER been accomplished before in the history of mankind.
How do you even start to plan for such an event?
What to do?... what to do? - Decisions upon decisions... How do you please everyone that you would like to bless with something special for the upcoming festive occasion? There are too many on the list that need to be remembered. How do you make sure you have not forgotten anyone?
And how do you provide for all the others that are not even on the "Guest List"? When thinking of trying to notice and include them also... For they too may be forgotten otherwise, by the many others who have become too involved or overwhelmed with their own personal "lists".
How do you find the resources to even plan for such an event? When it requires that you inject almost everything that you have... And you may already have done so - YET... You still need more to accommodate the rest, as the numbers keep growing out of control!
You may ask... "Why has it become your own personal burden?" ...When it seems like the volunteers have rapidly dwindled... to find other causes that are much easier to serve. None-the-less, you have made a promise and dedicated yourself to the purpose... You will see it through to fruition since you have invested so much already.
You need to find a GIFT that will satisfy them all... Something so unique, that it cannot be duplicated or replaced by a simple copy or cheap imitation. How do you begin to even search for such an item?
You have looked on the shelves of the countless retail stores... after miles of walking the isles to no avail. You have vigilantly hunted through a forest of sales pages and an endless stream of special offers that had magically appeared to you from cyberspace.
What to do?... what to do? - TIME IS RUNNING OUT HOWEVER... and you must quickly make a decision.
The BEST GIFT you can give, should shine above the rest...
it should be so wonderful, that it puts all others to shame.
Stress - What stress?
The BEST GIFT you can give, should be so unique and individually special...
that each and every person has their own personal reward.
The BEST GIFT you can give, should never tarnish or fade away...
something that will endure beyond the holiday and last for a great length of time.
Decisions upon decisions... What could this item be? Where can you even begin to find such a treasure and still remain within your meager budget?
But actually, the choice... is not quite as hard as it may seem. It is something frequently looked over and almost forgotten. It has fallen from the registers of conventional inventories and has been removed from the journals of mainstream market demands.
When it comes again though however, its popularity and true value will ultimately prevail!
But for now, YOU'VE FOUND IT... a bargain above all the other deals and special offers being advertised!
"...Now eagerly desire the greater gifts. And yet I will show you the most excellent way." (1 Corinthians 12:31 NIV)
Now you can celebrate, for the day has been SAVED and the event is secured! No more worry on your behalf, for the burden has been completely lifted away from your shoulders (...and your HEART has been comforted).
The BEST GIFT you can give, does not require any specials or discounted price...
as to make it more appealing during certain occasions.
The BEST GIFT you can give, is something that is extremely special...
something so precious, that when its true value becomes known -
that EVERYONE in the world will want and desire it.
The BEST GIFT you can give, does not come from any franchised store or catalogue of trinkets... yet is distributed by the most major manufacturer in the history of the world.
The BEST GIFT you can give, does not require any special packaging or gift wrapping either... for it is best left unwrapped, in its most humble and plain original state.
The BEST GIFT you can give, is something that was once given to you...
but it is not worn out from the weight of your own burden in using it often.
The BEST GIFT you can give, is something that YOU already have and deeply cherish, something you hold onto so firmly and personally that you would never wish to part with, BUT - You Share it, because...
The BEST GIFT can be given away FREELY without any personal loss of your own,
because it comes in such abundance that there is PLENTY to go around!
The BEST GIFT exceeds the most heartfelt love that you have ever experienced,
and having partaken of this glorious spirit, you can now share it with the masses.
And the best feature of "The BEST GIFT", is that it can be given to countless others,
without loosing its effectiveness or diminsihing in capacity.
"And this is love: that we walk in obedience to his commands. As you have heard from the beginning, his command is that you walk in love." (2 John 1:6 NIV)
The BEST GIFT is infinite, it is eternal and everlasting. It has always been there and always shall be... the Alpha and the Omega from the beginning to the end.
The BEST GIFT knows no boundaries and is subject to no other... as the BEST GIFT comes from the mighty Lord himself.
"A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another." (John 13:34-35 NKJ)
It is the FREE GIFT of life and the promise of our salvation. It is the hope for what is to come and the faith to endure as we patiently wait for its blessing. The BEST GIFT is the joy that our Lord delivers to us, as we confidently embrace the love that He has shown for us all.
Such as it is, we can share the BEST GIFT with others, so that they too shall not perish, but have life everlasting, together with us all in Christ -AMEN.
...As Foretold by the Prophets
The Birth of the MESSIAH
WE ARE HIS Children...
"The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God, and if children, then heirs - heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ, if indeed we suffer with Him, that we may also be glorified together." (Romans 8:16-17 NKJ)
TIME IS SHORT (It was short then... and is even shorter NOW!)
The KING of KINGs Soon Returns!
"For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us." (Romans 8:18 NKJ)
REMEMBER the "Reason for this Season" and Please Share the "BEST GIFT " with others...
*Special thanks to TAKE NO GLORY for this wonderous song - Please honor them with your support and prayers.
We "Take No Glory" for ourselves. . . for it's ALL About HIM!
Messiah – Creator – Baby Born To Be Our Savior – Father – Redeemer
Hope Of Glory – Friend Of Sinners – All Knowing – All Powerful – Forgiving
Oh So Faithful – The Helper – My Maker – Living Stone – Our Mediator
Sinless High Priest! – Messenger! – Prince Of Peace!
Bread Of Life! – Holy One! – Counselor! – Beloved Son!
King Of Ages! – King Of Kings! – Ruler Over Everything!
Immanuel! – Cornerstone! – Morning Star And Lord Of Lords!
Lamb Of God! – He Is risen!!
Unto Us A Son Is Given!!
Mighty One Of Righteousness!!
Beautiful In Holiness!!
Chief Shepherd!! – One True Vine!!
You’re The Living Sacrifice!!
First And Last!! – Eternal Friend!! – Comforter!!
...the GREAT "I AM"!!!
- and have a most joyous celebration in this season of Christ Jesus!
