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For Men - Art of Shopping for a Woman

Updated on December 12, 2020
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I'm interested in social issues, relationships, problems of daily living, jobs, exercise, poems and fiction, plus safer living conditions.

Art of Shopping for Women

How does a man know what Christmas gifts to get his wife that she will love? Here we are again in the holiday season with the smell of evergreen in the air and delicious aromas in the home from all the cooking. It is typically a happy time of year.

The art of shopping for women isn't that difficult if you learn what a few phrases really mean. You want to be wise in your choices, as your holidays will be much happier.

If she doesn't tell you, what are your choices?

For instance, if your wife says she doesn't need anything, she really wants a gift. Often she's just not going to tell you specifically what she wants, so you men have to be a little wiser. Is this fair? Of course not, but it doesn't have to be a big deal either.

Think about buying her a service that she typically doesn't buy for herself, such as a day at the spa, a good massage or manicure. Anything that will pamper her will probably please her. Perfume can be a good gift if you happen to know of one she likes. It should be a good quality perfume. Be observant when she admires something. Of course, everyone is different, and there are no guarantees.

Even a gift card at her favorite store with a nice balance of at least $50 would probably be acceptable to many women.


Gift Ideas

Maybe your significant other might say, “I want something for the house. This translates to I want something for the house that I don’t have to operate and cuts down on my chores.

A Robot Roomba is a good choice as no woman I know likes to vacuum. This little robot runs all over the house and vacuums everything, under furniture if it is high enough off the ground and so forth. The only thing you have to do is clean it when it is finished.

You could also hire someone to clean the house for the next month, which will probably be a hit, especially if you have young children that require a lot of attention.

Another thing she might like is some of her favorite photos blown up and framed. You could even get them done in black and white for a different look.

It is hard to go wrong with jewelry. Ask her mother or best friend to help you choose something they know she will like if you are having trouble deciding.

One time my father got my mother flowers that were delivered once a month for a whole year. He got a lot of mileage out of that thoughtful gift.

Homemade Gifts

If she says she wants you to make her something, and you are handy around the house, then you can probably come up with something clever, as she has probably mentioned this item in the past.

Other ideas involve the children. You can take them to a local pottery shop, and let them paint a flower on a plate or vase or get their little hand prints done on a plate. This is a treasure she will keep forever. You can also use pictures from a photo album, male copies, form a collage and make a place mat collage. You will have to get it laminated.

Romantic Getaway

If your honey says I want something from the heart, this is a request you don’t want to mess up as she sure doesn't mean a new electric mixer.

You could book a romantic weekend getaway, maybe a bed and breakfast, or rent a place by the ocean. This is a “from the heart gift.

Another idea is to get a piece of her jewelry engraved or buy something new with engraving. If you use a piece she already owns she may go a little nuts looking for that piece, but in the end she will be delighted, and you can enjoy her frustration as she searches for the missing piece.

Buying the Perfect Gift for Women

"If You Just Started Dating Advice"

If you have just started dating this person she will probably say get me something small; she is really saying this is your first chance to impress me. You don’t want to get a gift that is too expensive as that will give her the idea you are trying to move the relationship too fast.

A simple piece of jewelry would work. I would suggest not buying a ring because that would probably give her the wrong idea, unless you are ready to jump in with both feet. Bath products are a nice gift (more than a bar of soap). Try a little gift basket with a nice scent. Also a book for an iPad or Kindle if she has one, or music for an iPod is another idea.

Now there are some gifts to avoid all together:

  • candy
  • pets, unless she requests one
  • large stuffed animals (those are for children)
  • sexy lingerie as that tends to be a gift for you instead of her

Beware of the Doghouse- Hilarious!

In Conclusion

If you listen to your wife or sweetheart, which I know is not always easy, she will probably give you some not so subtle hints. Getting your wife a Christmas gift she really wants is important.

She may mention something she has been wanting for a long time or just hint around, but women for whatever reason often don’t always ask directly. Others may make you a list, as they are all different. Have fun and enjoy your holidays.

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.


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