Croatian Homemade Alcohol and Liquors
Croatian homemade Liquors
Croatian Homemade Alcohol
The many fruit trees in Croatia provide for preserves, open markets, and alcohol. Grapevines are grown on flat lands to lean against fences and these grapevines climb and grip onto the fences.
Local farmers in Imotski in the Dubrovnik remote region where kujundžuša an indigenous white wine has become most popular with local people and tourists.
In the valley of Imotski, you would find grapevines and quality white wine.
The soil has lots of sand, a combination of sand and soil to help this grape prefer this type of soil.
Through history, I learned that Illyrians cultivated vines before the Romans.
Kujundžuša derives from the Turkish word Kujun and it means gold.
Grapevines are planted in most parts of Croatia but in Konavle there are many acres of grapevines that farmers from the region use.
Each farmer has many acres of grapevines dark red and white grapes to make their wine or to have it made at the local winery.
Some farmers have the equipment at home to make their wine while others prefer this approach done at the local winery.
The homemade alcohol drink is made from grapes.
Wine is made first and whatever is left of the grapes the local and national drink Rakija is brewed in a stainless-steel barrel.
A traditional alcoholic drink made with herbs or without herbs.
This alcoholic drink is drunk in one big sip and has a forty per cent alcohol limit or at times can be up to eighty per cent in strength.
As you drink it you feel your chest burn from the strength it has and can be used to remove stains from furniture or to clean windows.
I call it a ‘’window cleaner.’’
Most of the older generation have Rakija before breakfast, lunch and supper. It is drunk with a snack of dried figs or fresh figs. I discovered that each region in Croatia has a different fruit to brew Rakija.
Some make it with honey, and different kinds of herbs.
In Dubrovnik Rakija is brewed and anise is the important herb that is placed in the Rakija the strength is lighter because the anise soaks up the alcohol leaving its aroma in the Rakija.
On island Hvar, I had tasted Rakija made with walnuts. In Istria, I bought a Rakija made from honey.
It is Croatia’s most popular homemade alcohol. My favourite homemade alcohol is šljivovica, pronounced as shlivovice. This variety of Rakija is made from plums.
I tried the different varieties of Rakija and plum Rakia is my best choice. Rakija is also made from a unique type of pear called Williams pears. Cherry Rakija is another interesting flavour of Rakija and is even made from quince.
The different seasonal fruit is never wasted. Homemade liquors are from all fruits and I use Rakija as the base for all liquors and with different fruits. That's how all liquors are made from the Rakija.
Walnut liquor made from the base alcohol Rakija is sweet and dark in colour from the walnuts.
The walnut liquor is made with the first walnuts bared, so the walnuts are much smaller in size and put into a bottle with the Rakija and other ingredients added to have a fruity flavour.
It is kept outside in a sunny spot for forty days.
Sugar is one of the main ingredients in walnut liquor.
Highly scented Rose petals that grow only in the konavle region are used to make a liquor that has a special scent and the taste of the rose petal scent in this liquor is strong and unique.
I managed to get this rose plant from a friend and two years later made my liquor and rose water from these rose petals.
The intense smell of the rose.
Most popular Croatian beers:
Homemade alcohol combined to make liquors from all fruit is used as appetizers. Usually had before a meal.
In each home snacks such as homemade cheese, or homemade smoked ham are eaten when homemade drinks are served, the homemade snacks are laid on a plate and served.
Pomegranate liquor is reddish and sweet. I found this liquor on Peljesac. This was new to me, I learned of Loquat liquor when I first came to Croatia. Loquat grows in South Africa and had no idea it grew in Croatia and comes from the East.
Loquat liquor is popular in Dubrovnik.
All these liquors are used for medicinal purposes and made in different regions. In my experience, I have been told homemade liquors are used for strengthening hair roots and stomach issues.
Bitter Orange Liqueur is used in cocktails and found in the old city of Dubrovnik. Another medicinal purpose of this liquor is to relax nerves and to be calm.
A unique liquor from Carob is sweet and tastes like liquorice sweet. Carob is grown along the Dalmatian coast and used in liquors and in cakes.
A spirit called Loza has the highest level of spirit and is made from grapes. The strength of this spirit is not for the lighthearted. Most of these liquors are made from the local Rakija.
I have tried to brew many of the different liquors and enjoyed each experience. It requires time and patience to make a perfect bottle of homemade liquor. The lengthy process takes hours and months before tasting and drinking it.
Oysters are another popular snack when drinking white wine.
The many medicinal herbs added to the popular alcohol Rakija is to show a yellowish colour.
Pomegranate liquor is reddish and sweet. I found this liquor on Peljesac. This was new to me, I learned of Loquat liquor when I first came to Croatia. Loquat grows in South Africa and had no idea it grew in Croatia and comes from the East.
Loquat liquor is popular in Dubrovnik.
All these liquors are used for medicinal purposes and made in different regions. In my experience, I have been told homemade liquors are used for strengthening hair roots and stomach issues.
Bitter Orange Liqueur is used in cocktails and found in the old city of Dubrovnik. Another medicinal purpose of this liquor is to relax nerves and to be calm.
A unique liquor from Carob is sweet and tastes like liquorice sweet. Carob is grown along the Dalmatian coast and used in liquors and in cakes.
A spirit called Loza has the highest level of spirit and is made from grapes. The strength of this spirit is not for the lighthearted. Most of these liquors are made from the local Rakija.
I have tried to brew many of the different liquors and enjoyed each experience. It requires time and patience to make a perfect bottle of homemade liquor. The lengthy process takes hours and months before tasting and drinking it.
Croatian homemade sausages and snacks
Click thumbnail to view full-sizeCroatian outfits
Click thumbnail to view full-sizePomegranate from our garden and grapes from a local farmer
Croatia is based on tourism and agriculture
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© 2019 Devika Primić