Father's Day Stories: Lessons Learned
My Father's Day Special: Father's Day could be celebrated in many unique and wonderful ways. Today on Father's Day I choose to celebrate this day by sharing stories about different fathers and the lessons, wisdom, insights their children have gained through out their lives.
I recognized that some people have painful experiences with their fathers. Some lost their dads through illness and death. Some have felt abandoned, betrayed and have been hurt. Maybe, just maybe today is the day you can choose to reconcile with the past and use this opportunity to heal the wounds with forgiveness.
And there are those who find it awkward to express and show their love to their fathers. Maybe, just maybe, today is the day you can choose to express it and show it.
For those whose dads are no longer with them, maybe today, just maybe today you can choose to be quiet for awhile and close your eyes. Recall the happy moments you had with your father and be grateful.
In whatever way you want to make this day special, I pray that you will find love and light illuminating in your memories, in your remembering and perhaps seeing the perfection in the imperfection of it all. Happy Father's Day to all the Fathers in the World.
Today is Father's Day as I am writing this. I can't be with my father because he lives far from me. So I just called him on the phone. We talked a bit, one after the other, my brother and his wife and I. We shared different things. He shared about the inspiring sermon he heard today. And I am always happy to listen to him speak and share life's wisdom to me. I smile because that's my relationship with my dad. We could get to talk about life and its lessons. Perhaps it was this that inspired me to sit down and for the rest of the afternoon just read through these articles. I know there are still many wonderful stories out there but for now, I joyfully share to you these stories.
This Fathers Day Special is a collection of stories about fathers and the lessons they have learned. Their stories have inspired me, uplifted me, encouraged me, made me shed some tears and most of all, they made me see the different perspectives about life and the myriad aspects to our relationships. The links to their respective articles are provided so please take the time to visit their hubs and read more.
My Father's Lessons on Life and Living
"Life is not fair, but that does not mean we do not need to be. He taught me integrity in the face of
adversity. He taught me to be true to
myself and take pride in who I am. He
gave me the tools I needed to remain steadfast in my convictions. He taught me that criticism is constructive
and an open mind is essential to learning." -- My Father's Lessons on Life and Living by K@ri
My Father is a Man Worthy of Honor: Lessons Learned by a Daughter
"I have a confession to make. I am guilty of not honoring my father as I
should. I am guilty of criticizing him, of thinking badly of him, of
ignoring his true worth....However, the more you act like you love, disciplining your attitudes
and thoughts to be loving, the more naturally that the attitude of love
comes! I had no idea my father was such an amazing, wise, and
impressive man until I made up my mind that I was going to obey the
commandment and start honoring my father." -- My Father is a Man Worthy of Honor: Lessons Learned by a Daughter by Jane Grey
Hey Dad, I Have Three Great Kids
Dear Dad, It took me ten years to come to terms with your death. I miss you still. Even though I talk to you in my mind, I cannot hear your voice over the phone. I cannot hug you and catch that flash of golden crown as you smile your huge, toothy smile." -- Hey Dad, I Have Three Great Kids by Storytellersrus
Growing Up With Two Fathers
"Growing up with two fathers has been difficult, but two is better than
none, and one great father is better than one father who has never been
there. I am who I am because of both of these two men. I know what I never
want to do with my life and I know how to take responsibility. I have
been shown a positive and negative example by each father." --Growing Up With Two Fathers by iabecker515
Show Your Love to Dad
Dad, I Miss You
"Thank you for doing everything in your power to make a little girls dream of having her own horse a reality...Thank you for telling me you are proud of me...Thank you for allowing me to see you cry...Thank you for embracing my husband as part of the family and even though you said you were too young to be a Grandpa, you were crazy about our boys...Thank you for instilling in me to value family and friendships...Thank you for wanting to know me even after I became a Christian...Thank you for seeking HIM..."--Dad, I Miss You by christinekv
My Dad's a Homo
“Dad, are you gay?” To which he responded, “Yes, I am.” It felt like the carpet had been pulled out from under my entire life...So, there it is. I have a great father. I know a lot of people out
there disagree with gay parenting on the basis of it being a poor
example to children...Having a gay Dad has taught me to be accepting, tolerant, flexible and broad-minded."--My Dad's a Homo by Schwag
The Sacrifices of Fathers
"In our household of nine, Dad’s paycheck was stretched very thin. The
joke of having a ‘champagne taste on a beer budget’ was coined for my
parents. When finances are precarious, daily sacrifices are made in the
general running of the home. What our parents could not do financially
for us, they made up for in other ways." --The Sacrifices of Fathers by Denise Handlon
Truths My Father Told Me
“Listen up,” Dad demanded, eyes still penetrating me. “Life is going to knock you on your ass, son. It won’t be pretty and it’ll happen more than once. Every time life knocks you on your ass, you get up fast. Every time! You understand? Remember what I told you out there on the lawn—only quitters and losers stay down. You got that? Only quitters and losers stay down...My father gave away hardboiled wisdom forged inside his experience. It served to shape me..."--Truths My Father Told Me by Ken R. Abell
The Gift The Man I Called Dad Gave Me
"His passions were not his gifts to us, it was however the legacy he
left behind, the seeds planted in our hearts and minds to grow for
future use. We were unappreciative of his passions at times, wanting
something different, not always recognizing the true value of the
passions he shared with us each day just by being there."--The Gift The Man I Called Dad Gave Me by emohealer
Father's Day; Lessons From My Father
"Love with your whole being, with your heart, soul, mind and strength, always. Sacrifice is necessary at times...focus on the greater good, the outcome, the future, and the sacrifice is not only worthy, but essential. Commitment gives an individual and a family a strong foundation from which to build integrity into the fabric of one's life. Work smart and bring satisfaction not only to yourself...but perhaps for generations to come..." --Father's Day; Lessons From My Father by rebekahELLE
How to be A Good Father Without Being Religious
"I am thankful for having a Dad who showed me with his whole life
what the words mean: the meaning of patience, kindness, courtesy,
generosity acceptance, honesty, integrity, humility, and forgiveness.
He showed things that the world deems foolish and values so little . .
. and he made me smile...No one ever loved me like my father."--How to be A Good Father Without Being Religious by Rochelle Frank
Thank You Dad for Loving Me
Love Reminders
The words that I chose from their articles are what struck me the most. I recognized how much our lives are touched by people and how much I miss my own dad. Reading all of this and putting it all together somehow brought him closer to me.
Time flies so fast when you are having fun. And I guess it is like that with life as well. So let us remember to cherish each moment we have with our loved ones -- like our fathers. Hug him while you can. Tell him how much you love him. Express your appreciation for who he is in your life.
Blessings, love and light to all the fathers in the world. Happy father's day!
By: Michelle Simtoco