Best Gift Ideas for Grandma: Presents She Won't Stash in the Attic
I always had a hard time coming up with great gifts for my grandmother when she was alive. She loved to get presents, but she was very old-fashioned and critical of modern products. As I've aged, I've come to agree with her, and more than that, empathize. Here are my top gift ideas - not boring doilies or things "too precious to display," but real gifts a grandmother will love. These ideas work for any occasion, not just Grandparent's Day.
Today's grandmothers are not exactly the little old ladies of yesteryear. They're hip, they're active, they're cool - as this Grandma's Gone Wild apron demonstrates - but one thing hasn't changed. With rare exception (and I've known a few), they're into their families and love getting presents that acknowledge their grandmotherhood...even if they do prefer to be called "Joanne" or "Amanda" instead of Grammy or Gran.
"I Don't Do Perky" Gift Mug for Grandmother
Best Gift for a Grandma: Body Back Buddy
I use therapeutic massage on myself and my loved ones for pain, and a few times she enjoyed a foot-and-leg massage from me. I own one of these back massage tools, and I am in love with it. If my grandma were alive, she'd have one, too, because she'd have loved something she can use on those hard-to-reach spots on her back herself, without resorting to a (to her) embarrassing massage therapist or her grumpy husband.
Grammy, I Got Your Back
Personalized Grandmother Gifts & Nostalgia
As cheesy as it sounds, a grandmother's memories are her greatest gift to you. I mean it - I was so glad I asked my grandma to tell me about the "olden days" before her memories faded to dementia and Alzheimer's disease. I learned so much about her life in the Depression era, and she had a blast.
The journals and memoir books shown here are two-way gifts. She can write down (or even dictate) her memories, then give the book back to her grandchildren to savor. This kind of gift is perfect for a grandmother who likes to talk about herself, and especially for one who doesn't find it easy to talk about herself.
Special Book Gifts for Grandma
Gifts for a Grandma Who Loves Cats
If your grandmother is a cat lover, get her a cat-themed present. I've given cat lovers gifts for their cats, like scratch toys and such, and learned one thing: If you like it, and the gift recipient likes it, the cat doesn't like it. Try instead a cat-themed gift.
Funny Gifts for a Sassy Granny Who Likes Cats
For the new grandma who's just learning the joys of grandparenthood, I've chosen one funny and one sentimental gift, because becoming a grandma can elicit two emotions - happiness at finally having a grandchild and, let's face it, shock that she's old enough to have one.
New Grandmother Gift
Luxury Gift Idea
For the grandmother who has everything, there's hope. Get her this exquisite - and inexpensive - flowering tea pot.
The flowering teapot offers a culinary and aesthetic experience that appeal both to those who like simple pleasures and those who like luxury. If she likes loose tea - or you think she might - she'll relish this pot and the assortment of teas.
Elegant Gift for Grandmother
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