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Got a Valentine gift and wondering about it ? Decode the gifts and map it to his intentions, right here !!

Updated on February 6, 2014

Wondering about Valentines Day Gifts !!

Valentines day is around the corner and Gifts would slowly start flowing your way. Roses, Chocolates, Jewellery, Lingerie, handbag, tickets to movie, gift cards and the stunner, a wedding ring.

Have you ever wondered what his intentions are based on the gift he gave you ? If yes, please read along and hope you find your answers !!

Heart Shaped Chocolate box

Oh you got the sweet heart shaped chocolate box. So what does that mean ? Lets bullet it down here:

  • He thinks you are sweet and want to see you smile with the sweet treat.
  • He wants to sweetly place in the romantic angle in the relation with the heart shaped chocolate box, but wait, did he add in the Red Rose flowers ? Well if yes, that means this Guy gave it a thought and placed in some extra effort for you to add in the fresh Red rose flowers to the common Heart shaped Chocolate box. Doesn't you feel sweet about him too ?

Fitness equipment or gear

Well looks like he has observed you well and wants you to take care of your health. This shows his true concerns towards you and might also be a attempt to get closer to you by introducing himself as your care taker from heath standpoint !!


My My, he brought you a lovely expensive necklace, see he has put in efforts here to make the occassion special and make you believe that he would do whatever it takes to please you and put a smile on your face.

Do appreciate the thought and time spent on choosing the pendant necklace and the desire to make you feel special !!

Expensive Handbag

Well he gifted you a PRADA handbag, probably he took help from one his girl collegues or friend to decide on this but yet again shows his sincere efforts to place his best foot forward, all the way to impress you deep within !!

Tickets to movie

Well, nice thought and time to share each others feeling while watching the movie. But what would make it special would be a follow up nice dinner or Lunch in a cozy restaurant.

Or If its Just a movie, chances are that, he just wants to have good time with a nice company of yours and thats all !!


Well well, aren't the intentions pretty clear here :) .. He does has put in effort to go to a ladies section and sort out the best lingerie for you, so credit for that, but do note that the intentions are pretty clear and he wants to add the Sultry touch in the romance if it already exists.

If not then the intentions are pretty clear to get intimate with you !!

Gift Cards

You got a gift card ???? Well this means he forgot that he had to gift you and in a hurry picked up a gift card from a nearby store to make sure he doesn't fall off from your good books !!

If he hasn't forgotten the day then its just a lousy effort on his part to fall in compliance for your love !! Nevertheless no credits for this gift all together !!

The Stunner Diamond wedding Ring

Well, this guy is serious and is all heads down in love with you. He just wants to be with you for his entire life and can't part with you anymore.

It's time for you to decide on how he made the proposal and does he has the spark in his eyes to woo you and sweep you off your feet !!

Decide and accept or look along for a exit and get on your heels to run away !!

Which gift did you get ?

See results

Valentine Day Songs


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