A Christians Perspective on Halloween
Happy Halloween?
When did Halloween become a holiday? On Oct. 30, of last year, I went to the bank and as I was waiting, I heard someone say, "Happy Holiday!" to one of the tellers. This same person had to go to another teller as his business was more complicated than was mine and, he also told this teller, "Happy Holiday!"
Of course, he was referring to Halloween. When did Halloween become classified as a holiday? Halloween by strict definition could never be a holiday, because holiday literally means "holy day", and, you and I both know that there is nothing holy about Halloween.
Halloween doesn't enjoy any of the perks of a holiday. Nothing closes in observance of the day as with other holidays. There are no bank closings, no flag flying, no fireworks and no memorials.
There are no official activities planned, and, no one is encouraged to observe the day for any reflective purposes. The history of Halloween is dark and to this day, law enforcement nationwide (United States), dread the onset of this faux-holiday.
Where Was I When This Happened?
Where was I when it happened?
. What does modern-day Halloween celebrate? What does it honor? What does it commemorate? I know that it is the eve before All Saints Day which is a Catholic holy day set aside to honor the Catholic saints. This day is followed by All Souls Day also a Catholic holy day created to pray for all of the souls who are on standby, waiting to become saints.
So, I still say what is the deal with Halloween? On all our holidays and holy days, we acknowledge God in some form or other. With Halloween, we only speak of ghosts, goblins, demons, and witches. How did that happen? Why are we even acknowledging this event?
Has anything productive ever come as a result of Halloween? In my lifetime, Halloween has been the reason for razor blade-laced apples, marijuana-filled brownies, drug-laced candy, rapes, tortures, murders, and vandalism. What should be celebrated? I don't get it....
Compromising Christians
Christians tried to take the edge off of the day by offering a compromise. Many churches and outreach centers will hold a fall festival, or have a Hallelujah Night. The infamous 'Trunk or Treat" has replaced the traditional Trick or Treat street begging. Why?
Most believers agree that the Satanic elements of Halloween are not to be imitated. So, to offset this, they dress their children up as Bible characters. This eases their conscience. But, I want to know why they have to do anything at all. Why can't Halloween just be ignored? Can somebody help me with this.