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Cool Discount Halloween Costumes Buy Online

Updated on June 29, 2015

Halloween Costumes

It's the night of ghosts and goblins, fairies and witches and football players?

That's the beauty of Halloween. This is the night of 'make believe.' The one night where you can come out of your shell and be anything you want to be. The night is yours to be had. Whether you are going trick-or-treating with the kids or going to a Halloween party, dressing up is fun for all ages.  

Childrens Costumes

Let's begin with the kids. Costumes are exciting and so fun for your child. Picking the character they have admired and finding just the right costume to become part of the 'fantasy' is priceless. Smiles and big hugs for mom and dad are a sure thing when purchasing the costume of choice.

Costumes and Safety

Children's costumes should be well-fit. Long dresses or capes can cause your child to trip on the fabric, making Halloween a definite night of terror. Try to find costumes that fall to the ankle or top of the shoe. If this is not possible, attach a loop to the side of the costume with fabric, yarn or even a rubber band ( much like a wedding dress) that will allow your child to lift the draping fabric as they walk.

If your child is old enough to walk on their own to collect the goodies from trick-or-treating, set some rules. Such as:

  • Stay to the side of the road. Knock on the doors to the right side of the road. When done with that side,cross and collect from the left. This way your child does not need have the urge to run back and forth and possibly become a hazard in the road.
  • Reflectors. I paste bicycle reflectors on either the back of my child's costume or on the pail they are using to hold their candy. By doing so, others can see my child when on the side of the road or crossing.
  • Instruct your child to NOT eat any candy until they are home. As we all know, it is essential that Mom and Dad inspect the candy first!
  • Set boundaries. If you are comfortable with your child going two blocks then two blocks it is. Make it clear when and what you expect.
  • Only allow your child to trick-or-treat in at houses you are familiar with.

Alright, now that we know the rules, let's shop!

Costumes For Men

Alright boys... you are not 8 anymore. No more cowboy or clowns.

It's time to find a costume that willl make a statement. Whether you want to be the life of the party or the 'boogie-man' who opens the door to find trick-or-treaters, this is your time.

Imagine your friends faces as they see you in a tassle-bearing stripper outfit. Or your girlfriends face as you are the man of her fantasy as a Pirate (what women can resist J. Depp).

Whatever your choice, have fun with it. Halloween only allows for 'creepers' once a year, this is your time.

Costumes for the Ladies

Hmmmm, what to be, a witch? A ballarenia? Oh My NO! The options for Ladies have come a long way from the typical. Women are empowered to be anything they want to be! Let you imagination flow and find the perfect costume now!

Twister anyone?

What could be better than presenting yourself as the all-time universally loved game of Twister. You're sure to be a hit at the party as this fun, full of life game. Left arm red?

Men love Nurses. It's no doubt that they will be turning their heads to see the Head Nurse of this holiday. Sexy and exciting, this outfit is sure to please.



Masks for Halloween

What's more exciting than letting your true self out and not having anyone know it was you? Approach the guy or girl you've been drooling over for months, dance on the table or terrorize your friends. Nothing makes that easier than wearing a mask. It's the one night it isn't strange or a litle creepy to see a person walking around in disguise.

Male or female? Hot or not so much? Pretend the night away in one of these deceiving Halloween masks.

Whatever you choose to wear, have fun and make it a night to remember.


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