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Haunted Places in New York, Part 2

Updated on October 22, 2011

Haunted Places in New York, Part 2

Hello again, and welcome back to our scary ride through Haunted New York. Hold on tight, we're in for a fright!

Buffalo, NY Naval Serviceman's Park

The USS Sullivan is haunted by George, who died in World War II. He's looking for his younger brothers, who also served. He roams the ship at night, calling out for his brothers, haunted and haunting. There is a photograph of all five brothers; George's face is just a white blur. One of the SPOOKIEST haunted New York stories, for my money!

Clymer, NY Jaquin's Pond

This is an area with a few bumpy dirt roads, mostly swamp. There are three bridges leading over the swamp and into the woods. The bridges are haunted by a school bus driver who killed himself after a boy died in an accident involving his bus. If you stop on the third bridge, by the abandoned waterworks, and say the boy's name three times, the school bus driver will appear and your car doors will lock automatically. Here the road forks into the "Light Path"-leading out of the swamp and onto the main highway; and the "Dark Path", leading into the trees. Several teenagers have committed suicide on the "Dark Path". Don't go there late at night, especially if you're a teenager! (Haunted New York, at it's best...and WORST!)

East Bethany, NY The Lyndon Tracks

A school bus full of children were struck by a train and died on the Lyndon tracks. If you stop on the tracks, the children will appear and push you off. This is near my hometown, and I've heard this story in several different ways. I really believe there's truth in it.

Elmira Elmira College, Cowles Hall

Lights float down the halls late at night, with no one near. Even campus security personnel won't go into this building alone. There's a very strange atmosphere at night in here. The building is split down the middle--there's an evil side and a good side, and beware the man or woman who walks down the dark side, alone and after nightfall!

Hannibal- The Hannibal Graveyard in the Town of Hannibal

There are many reports of strange balls of light, moving around in the graveyard after midnight.

Huntington--Mount Misery (West Hills Park)

In the 1840s there was a hospital on this site. It burned down, and about a decade later, was rebuilt, only to burn down again within five months of its re-opening. The site is now a state park, but people still hear cries for help and see burning spectres in this area. This is also one of the most haunted places in New York State, though not very well known.

Little Falls, NY Beardslee Castle

Beardslee Castle is a replica of an Irish castle built in 1860. It's now a restaurant. It attracts many visitors, some of whom are ghost hunters. In the early 1950s, cars traveling down Route 5 reported blue or yellow lights that rushed out at them from the trees surrounding the castle, and chased them down the road. The lights were blinding; and several fatal accidents resulted. Sometimes the lights hover in the trees.

Other drivers see a young child walking down the road late at night.

The haunting is the ghost of Mr. Beardslee, the builder and former owner of the castle, who is walking with a blue lantern, searching for his lost child, who wandering into the woods and was never found.

Others have seen the lantern floating on its own in the grounds behind the castle.

Lockport-Cold Springs Cemetery

A young girl who was hitchhiking was abducted, taken to the cemetery, and murdered. Her ghost still walks the spot.

Long Island-Stony Brook-Mary's Grave

There are all kinds of stories, depending on who you talk to. I'm sticking with the most chilling one, just for you.

Mary was the only daughter of a wealthy and eccentric gentleman, who also had a son. They lived alone, just the three of them, and were very aloof from their neighbors. Mary's father built her a playhouse, or clubhouse, made of stone. Mary had no human friends, but for a long time, she made friends with the animals in the surrounding woods, inviting them for tea parties in her clubhouse, and keeping many animals as pets. Her friends were raccoons and squirrels and chipmunks, and she played with them. Some of them she rescued when they were babies. When Mary came to the clubhouse, all her favorite animals would come out to play.

Mary was taken over by an evil spirit. She enticed all her animal friends into the playhouse, and killed them gruesomely. She went into the house and killed her father and brother with an axe. After quite some time, the townspeople went to see what happened to their rich neighbor, and found Mary, asleep in her father's bed, her father lying next to her covered in blood.

Though Mary's grave site is lost now, the story has it that her grave had a birth date and no death date, for she still walks, possessed.

The remants of her stone playhouse are still extant-but I wouldn't go there, if I were you. Not if you value your sanity! Those evil spirits still haunt the spot. This is one "Haunted New York" story that will stay with me for life.

Mahopac, Carmel, NY-The Sedgewood Club

Shades of "The Shining"! The Sedgewood Club was a summer resort for the wealthy in 1887, who made the annual escape from New York to the cool mountain air. In the winter, a sole caretaker and his family inhabited this lovely mansion. They were snowed in one winter, and couldn't get out. They all starved to death. The caretaker walks, mourning his family still.

Plattsburgh-The Plattsburgh Air Force Base-The Old Gym

During the war of 1812, this was the site of the morgue for mangled body parts, that couldn't be matched up to their former owners.

People working out in the gym hear screams in the night, and pounding on the doors of the old morgue, as though those limbs had risen and wanted out to look for their owners.

Smithtown-The Field at the End of the Bow

There is a pond in this field, about twelve feet deep in the center. Many years ago, a small boy playing ice hockey fell through into the deepest part of the pond. His body was never recovered, and he was never seen again. But sometimes now people see a lonely little hockey player out on the ice when the pond is frozen over on a dark winter night. They call out to him, and he disappears into the ice.

Welcome back to Haunted New York. I hope you enjoyed your trip! These are only a few of the many stories of hauntings, ghosts and ghoulies in New York State.


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