How to Save Money Making Cards for Christmas With the Kids
Make Greeting cards with your Children
Spend time with your kids creating homemade greeting cards; you will be amazed how creative they are. Teachers of younger children will have shown them in playschool and primary school how to make cards as they make them for Mother's Day, Easter, and Christmas time.
This is your time to improve on those newfound skills. Making homemade cards is an inexpensive way to share and bring out the creativity in the children as a family together. It would be a good idea before starting to have them don their aprons. This will save stains from paints and marking pens from destroying their clothes.
Materials required - The sky is the limit - feathers, wool, cut out pictures, crayons, marking pens, glitter, various types of rubber stamps, cardboard, computer paper, sequins, and colored ribbons, pictures from old cards, and photos. In other words, use your imagination and try using anything.
Mum could print up a couple of photos for the children to put behind a cutout for the front of a card. The kids can add their own message and decorate it; this type of card would be wonderful for the grandparents to see how they have grown.
They could pick some flowers from the garden and press these between sheets of paper and place under heavy books, leave for two weeks until dry. Use these to decorate cards and add the odd dried leaves from the trees.
To be extra creative, why not make your own paper. This will add another dimension to your creativity and ensure loads of fun, beware it could be messy. For this you can use newspapers, leaves, fibers various colored papers, and twigs.
48 pack of Xmas Cards
Crafts -Making Christmas Cards
More Christmas Ideas to try.
Other Christmas ideas to do some marble painting on your paper or cardboard. You can do this in one of two ways. Splash dobs of different colored paint all over the page, while still wet fold page in half. The paint will spread in different directions making different shapes.
Another way is to spread paint into a container the same size as your paper, using different colors. Stir to make a kaleidoscope or marble effect. Do not mix too much or you will spoil the pattern. Now lay a piece of paper on top of this, pick it up and turn paper pattern side up and leave to dry. Repeat for more sheets of paper.
Sure, the kids will make a mess, but they are having fun, and they will make some beautiful cards for their family and friends.
Creativity is the name of the game, and that is what card making is all about especially for this Christmas season.
Check out My Other Christmas Articles on Hubpages
Creating your own Sheets of Paper
What you will need:
- a wooden frame with fly screen of one side
- scraps of any type of paper
- Blender
- Water
- Food coloring
One you have collected a stack of papers even newspapers. Make sure not to use glossy papers and remove all staples if using pages from books.
Rip the pages up then soak in water for a few hours.
If you require white pages add bleach to blender with ripped up paper. Blend till all tiny pieces of paper.
Use a foil tray and add some warm water, tip your mulched paper into that.
place your wooden square into dish and get mulched paper into wooden frame with fly screen side down.
Spread the much over the screen covering screen with it press flat squeezing all the water out.
Place frame in a towel to drain the rest of water out
Now turn frame over tipping mulch onto towel
Squeeze more water out. If satisfied that paper even use a dryer to help dry the towel out drying out paper at same time or leave in sun to dry.
if you want a marble type of paper add the coloring while in water mixing it carefully not to disturb the paper. Lift up and dry as before.
Now cut or fold and make your own cards.
Make your own Christmas Cards
Do you make the effort to make your special Christmas Cards
© 2007 Eileen hughes