Christmas and Santa - Memories of Christmas
Santa Claus is part of Christmas and part of childhood
Santa Claus or Father Christmas is part of the tradition where the Christian world celebrate the birthday of Jesus Christ. The message of Santa Claus is about giving, everybody knows that. According to the myth Santa Claus, his wife, the elves and the reindeers live in the North Pole. "His making a list of those who have been naughty or nice". Maybe he has a favoritism, there are those who have been 10, 000 times naughtier and not so nice but they are rewarded more.
Whether we admit it or not, Santa Claus was part of our childhood. The children assisted by their parents even send letters addressed to Santa - North Pole address. It is part of the excitement of anticipating what present he is going to give us, whether we passed his test of being good. Yes, I saw it in my parents face, they were excited even if they knew that I don't believe that Santa Claus is real. I am a parent now and I understand them.
I know at the age of seven just like any other children in the
neighborhood that our moms are the Santa Claus and our dads are the
one giving our mom the money to buy what Santa is supposedly giving us.
Do I still believe in Santa Claus? Honestly, yes I do. I like to pretend he is real because I want to live with the excitement of believing in him. I know that he is not true, but I refuse to let go of my childhood. I want the spirit of giving to be shared among the children even if I know that he is just a myth. To others it might seem absurd but this is true. Why fool with the children? And I remember the saying that goes - "the parents are tired getting all the gifts and the fat guy is credited for it". If the children are happy the parents are happiest and for that alone Christmas is the best.
I can't let go of Christmas that easy. When I was twenty five I tried not to celebrate it but I missed it and the next year I celebrate it to the fullest. Why not? It is a part of me and will always be a part of who I am. I am a Christian and I want to celebrate it. I grew up with a strict Catholic family and all the neighbor, people in the community, the old and the young, single or married, loveless or full of love celebrate Christmas by exchanging gift.
Christmas Celebration
It is twelve days to Christmas and I can't help to think about Christmas day and how many past Christmases I celebrated already. It is Christmastime and whether we are celebrating it or not, we are all affected by the holiday rush, music and noises, decorations, shopping and all the things that are associated with the holidays. It has been commercialized to the fullest, but it is a tradition and I love it.
The truth is that I can't let go of Christmas and Santa.
I already asked my daughter what she liked for Christmas and with a cute answer she said she liked Dora doll. I bought a Dora doll already and I know she will be happy.
Charlie Brown Christmas and Greetings to All!
And now you know why I can't let go of Santa and Christmas. All I know is that one day, I am dreaming of a Christmas where the message of Charlie Brown will be in the heart of everyone. Maybe in this year, nah, but I don't see it yet. I hope I am still living by then.
Merry Christmas to everyone, to Hubpages, have a great holiday!
Thanks for the year that was, to all those I have known and who made my stay here wonderful. I love you all with all my heart.