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Making A List

Updated on July 15, 2016

Things To Do

There will always be things to do. To help keep your mind clear and not spinning write a list of tasks you need to do. To get things done, to not forget things, and when shopping to not over spend make lists. It is best to make lists and then even more lists. You will find that when you cross something off your list you will tend to add two more items. If a list becomes too long it will be disorganized and will be ineffective.

The To Do List

Keeping a list of Honey do's
Keeping a list of Honey do's

To Do List

Things that need to be done but not right away, a list for long term tasks. This list could be a long list. Prioritize the items on this list, number the items. It will also help to break down into steps some of the items on this list. What you will need to complete the tasks, how much time, and steps needed to complete the tasks can be included under the task. Be truthful about the importance of the tasks and how you prioritize the tasks and items, and the anticipated time requirements.

Honey Doo
A honey doo list can be a list of repairs that need to be done (if the spouse is repair) or a reminder to call repair people.

House cleaning list (getting ready for company and/or the holidays)

Daily To Do List, A Daily Schedule

Each evening write out a to-do list for the next day tasks. Call Doctor, pick up dry cleaning, mail letters, pick children up from school, dance class, are just some of our daily tasks. Order your errand list by store locations to save time from drive back and forth and through the city many times. But remember to allow time during your day for calling friends and email.

Grocery List
Order your grocery list by the store layout. Place a mark beside the items in the list you have coupons for. Place a different mark by the store sale items. A glance at the grocery list will give you a clear picture of what you are looking for in the store and buying. With a grocery list you will be less adapt to purchase items spontaneously.

Weekly House Cleaning Routine List
Break down household chores to do each day can help. Splitting up cleaning task throughout the week gets the house work done in an efficient manner and eliminates having to spend an entire day doing household chores. Heavy chores can be spread out, some monthly and some yearly, to not get overwhelmed with major household chores (oven cleaning, window washing). Add to a monthly and yearly list.

I need a lot of list. Ordering tasks on your list will give you a since of progress and make the list easier to follow, not just a jumble of to-do tasks but an order to follow.

Checking It Twice

He's checking it twice - The Graphics Fairy
He's checking it twice - The Graphics Fairy

Gift Lists

My gift list insures that I am not going to buy something that everyone is going to hate. If clothing is on the list i include the correct size to buy or the color.

After checking with a child's parent I am sure to buy a gift that is age appropriate, and that the child isn't going to get a duplicate. I also know that I am not buying an item that the parents are opposed to.

Seems teenagers like to shop for themselves. That being the case , my list tells me which gift-card is most suitable for the Diva's or the Dawg's.

This list can also giving me warnings ..ALERT Johnny is allergic to peanut butter or safety issue

Do You Make A List?

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Making A List

To Do List
To Do List

Ready Made List

Instead of making your own to do list from scratch find many templates online from simple layouts to complex in pdf or doc formats.

PrintableToDoList offers 45 free pdf and doc format list.

List of tasks can go on and on. If you are daily overwhelmed or falling behind look closely at your lists and note how long it takes to finish each tasks and shift tasks around, group more tasks together to complete in a certain order, look at what could be eliminated and someone else in the family can do that tasks. Or just eliminate that item. Efficient orderly list can actually put time back in your day. After a month of following your lists give yourself a reward.

Making a list

There will always be things to do. To help keep your mind clear and not spinning write a list of tasks you need to do. To get things done, to not forget things, and when shopping to not over spend make lists. It is best to make lists and then even more lists. You will find that when you cross something off your list you will tend to add two more items. If a list becomes too long it will be disorganized and will be ineffective.


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