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First White Christmas - Christmas Snow

Updated on May 16, 2011
dark at 3 pm, 24th December 2009
dark at 3 pm, 24th December 2009
9 pm, 24th December
9 pm, 24th December
7 am, Christmas day
7 am, Christmas day
today, pm Christmas day
today, pm Christmas day

It was the day before Christmas 2009 and I am expecting the usual weather here at Dallas, Texas. I was sleeping and enjoying the moments when I woke up because suddenly I felt cold. It was 71F the other day and I put off the heater and I forget to turn it on as I watched the television and heard that it will be a cold Christmas here in Dallas. What? Cold Christmas at Dallas? I just shrugged it off but little did I know that it was really cold and I never expected the snow. I looked outside and I was amazed by snowfall, you see when I came here in the US, I first arrived in Memphis, and the weather there is the same here in Dallas. I didn’t see a snow there. The coldest temperature experienced here at Dallas was in 1989 and it is 1F.

The first time I saw snow here was last year, I woke up and it is there already in the grass, just a white speck and it is melting already. Three weeks ago, I saw snow falling again but it was short and fast so I wasn’t really expecting snow like this.

Yesterday, was the first real snow I saw in my life and I got a picture of it. Now I know how snow makes the children happy. I could have gone out and played in the snow, but at the same time, I am chilling also. Did they hear me singing, “I am dreaming of a white Christmas“…….or “Let it snow let it snow“,,,,, I must have been dreaming. Instead, I got my camera and monitor the snow, at first it was just a little droplets then it came larger by the hour, by 7 pm, it is white everywhere, except the roads. My camera is no good, it cant flash at night, or maybe the battery is playing up, but I managed to get some pics, I sat down at the porch, but it is getting really cold, so I went inside like a child I look outside every hour to monitor the snow.

I checked the weather at MSN and wow, it is below freezing point, I called my friend and let her know that I am going to cook “Noche Buena”. It is a feast to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ at the middle of the night when the clock struck 12 am, everybody in the family share food and eat together, I told my friend to come over and we will share food. I cooked noodles with stir fry (pancit in our language, Filipino) vegetables and fish fillet, plus beef stew and of course rice, hmmm, that was yummy. At midnight, I cant take any pictures anymore, my camera cried, take a rest Maita and don't write at HP today LOL.

This is really my first white Christmas, and on Christmas day -- today, it felt good, the snow is melting and the sun is up. I went outside in the afternoon at my friends house, just fifty meters away and now I know now that you can actually slide on the snow, it is slippery on the pavement though. I slide twice and the gifts are scattered at the pavement. It was cold and I was laughing. I did wear my gloves and neck warmer but I wear a boots LOL, so it is fun sliding again and again, Finally I arrived at my friends house and we had fun. It was fun walking in the snow, I noticed that when I walked on the grass, it is not as slippery. Wow, the snow is almost three inches in some parts, but it is starting to really melt. It was just a moment, my friend is teasing me saying, Maita this is not snow, I had seen snow and experienced it for twenty five years and it sucks she said, I pouted, huh, and I remember the walk and the slide I did before I arrived at her house. Yes it is cold, it is just snow, but it was my first white Christmas, and I love it. So I sat down in front of my computer and want to share it with you.

I can still feel the breeze and cold snow falling in my face, that felt good last night, (24th December). I can see white everywhere and the cars and the pavement are all turning white. It was a joy even though it was cold, you know the feeling when you are thinking something and all things are not getting right, and then you want to give up at times, but then it feels so good after doing something, that was how I felt when the snow touched my face last night. I know it may sound funny but I like the snow, I like the whiteness of surroundings, like giving me some kind of hope and peace and it is pristine outside. It is like if I can brace the snow, I can brace all, I remember some of the friends who are from the East, and I said to myself, wow, this is cold and I feel the need to connect to them somehow, they need warmth and hugs at these times.

May you have more blessings this coming year and I wish you happiness. The new year always bring hope like the snow, as it easily fades and dry, you can appreciate the cold surroundings and the message it brings, we need the warmth of other human being, it feels good even just the smile of a child at this time can bring joy to us, it gets really cold indeed.

And thanks to HIS grace...

Happy Holidays to all!

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thanks to this site for allowing me to use this:
I want to go here, BEAUTIFUL,,
I want to go here, BEAUTIFUL,,

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