Thoughts of Sinister Seraphim
These Seraphim.
Nowhere to turn,
No sacred arms to comfort.
Is it any wonder
All the floors
And weeping psalms
Creak and squeak
Satanic songs?
While throngs
Of grimy creatures
Intermingle with the saints,
Their scary features
Of fire and fangs,
In horrid gangs
From Netherworld
Upon the world?
Dripping, creepy, crawly prongs
Of forks and knives
The evil ones connive
For a malignant blight,
Just out of sight,
Haunting, taunting
Friend and foe
To taste the terrible table's fare.
Leonard Cohen - Hallelujah
OH! How to cope?
We cannot know
Where to go
To find escape
From this horrid fright,
To avoid the rape
Of decency
And loss of hope.
Forsaking bliss,
A vampire's kiss
Upon this evil night
With all its might
It reigns, it brings
But gangrenous sickness, death.
So now it must wail and wait
For all Eternity
Upon a sea
Of dungeon doubts.
Its goblins, witches, warlocks,
Serpents lock in hideous wreaths,
Covered o'er with
Cobwebs hobbling
In and out their heads,
Putrefying beds and boards
With hoards of untold fear
Expressed by sharpened scream
For release from fear
This year,-
This night of fright
This spooky Halloween
With Sinister Seraphim. . .
______© Nellieanna H. Hay