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Reasons to Show Love on Valentine's Day

Updated on December 3, 2024
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Valentine's Day

Reasons to Love Valentine’s Day.

Why do you celebrate Valentine's Day?

Most couples celebrate this special day because of the legend, of Saint Valentine. I celebrate this day for many other reasons.

A day, I will never forget and will always treasure this day, for that moment, for that event, and for the love I shared and will always share on this very romantic day.

Of course all days should be the same, but if you did spend each day like your Valentine's Day then would Valentine's day be so special and different?

A month of romance and yet some couples don't even bother about such events. While I am a romantic, I feel different and love to share my reasons why I appreciate and enjoy the month of February.

Romance should never die after marriage. It is what you believe in that keeps love alive in your marriage. Making notes for your partner is a way to show how much you still love each other especially, after all the years spent together.

We chose the 14th February in the year 1993, towed but didn't think much of the date chosen until we reached home that day.

Hours later we realized the day we chose is Valentine's Day.

It felt great!

A perfect day indeed it was for us. Valentine's Day is a day of romance and a day of love shared between two special people.

I see us as special people. Chocolates, red wine, champagne if you like, and red roses, the surprises are endless for couples who believe in romance and love.

Lit-up candles, colourful outfits, meals created from the heart, and with great interest and just being with the one you love makes all the difference on Valentine's Day. A romantic day for two special people like us.

Make Valentine’s Day, a day to remember and to fulfil this day with love and only love for each other. It sounds simple to do but it will feel simpler if you believe in love and romance.

Reasons I believe in love and romance after twenty-five years of marriage: I didn't believe I would marry at any point in my life.

One day that thought disappeared and everything changed for me.

I was swept off my feet by a gentleman who didn't shower with gifts but with love. Love is what you believe in from within, not from expensive gifts.

When two people find love that is rare and true, it makes me see something I know I have and will always remember that part of my marriage. Valentine's Day is about having someone to share your love with and treat each other special.

To show your significant other your appreciation and to remind your partner that you still love them as you did when you first met.

A day to do something special for each other and to spend time alone together. To remind yourselves of love again.

You can go on a trip together to make Valentine's Day a memorable one. Love is in the air, so make the best of love and quiet moments together. You can feel happier with your partner when you show appreciation.

Dwell in happiness from him and her. Being in love, and feeling loved by your partner makes love more special. You love your partner, so you make sure their happiness is more important to you than yours is.

Love is about sharing equally, strengths and weaknesses. You don't abandon your partner at the worst times, you stay and see it out together. Love is not given up easily, you stick together when you truly love each other.

You are one and the same when in love. For me, love was just a four-letter word, until I gradually fell in love with my gentleman. I found true love when I least expected it.

I realized true love happens accidentally as it did for me. Love happened when I least expected and I see how love has made me over the years. Confident and free-spirited.

The throbbing moment didn’t disappear from my life. Romantic moments make life glamorous and show you the meaning of special moments.

You can't ignore the experience of love. Your soul needs love and romance to live and you must have experienced love at some point in your life. Love lifts your spirits and the indescribable pit feeling stays with you, that is if you have long-lasting love.

You find love with someone not for their wallet but for what you find differences in their souls. Nothing fancy is called love, everything simple means love and love forever. When you have found the one who smiles into your eyes with love, that means you have scored dead right.

The one who will only love you and no one else is true love. That someone special who makes you feel like you are on top of a pedestal, and the one that makes you feel thrilled with a simple kiss on your forehead, it is that kind of love that never disappears from the heart.

You give everything you have for love and do not expect from others for love. To spend the rest of your life with somebody means you are ready to make that commitment.

You have fallen in love with the whisper that reached your heart and soul. The kiss reached your soul and made something come true for you.

Love makes you come alive and feel what you find hard to describe and what you have never experienced.

To love one person for the rest of your life you need to fall in love with that person repeatedly in your marriage.

Have you done that?

Love makes the lives of people worthwhile, without love you would be inconsiderate and will never know the meaning of having someone special. You love and create life and that is why love is so great for most people. What you see in life can't be ignored. Your touch means the world from the heart and from the soul.

Love gets deeper and deeper each time you fall in love with the same person. In love, you accept, understand, communicate, respect, obey, and show gently your purpose to each other. You have love, you are loved, and you feel loved, and that shows you were taught, love.

You can only love if you first love yourself and have been taught how to love others. Some people don't know how to love, as they have never been taught or shown love from childhood.

Why are you in love with that person?

You can't control who you fall in love with. Love has no boundaries. Your kisses, your touches, and your smiles make love real and safe.

A special feeling comes over you when you are with that person.

The many years spent together can feel like a lifetime or maybe it is a lifetime together. If you have true love you can pass any obstacle together.

Love Valentine's Day

I love Valentine's Day! I love it, I love it, I love it. I like having doors opened for me.

My favorite romantic comedy is 'When Harry Met Sally.' Ginnifer Goodwin

Valentine's Day


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This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2018 Devika Primić


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