The Twelve Days of Christmas: a Parody
The Twelve Cats of Yuletide...
This bit of nonsense came to me after listening to a "12 Days..." parody on the late-night Jimmy Fallon show that aired December 21st, 2011.
We had recently acquired 2 new kittens, bringing our total cat-count up to 6. The newcomers were supposed to be fostered, but they stole our hearts, and we adopted them ourselves! They would be Lil' Miss Fuzz, and her sister, Bobbie, whose pictures appear below.
Since we are experienced cat-owners (er...the cats have just corrected me--cat servants), we are well familiar with the sort of havoc they can wreak.
Despite their talent and penchant for mischief, they never fail to deliver a smile or offer purry comfort. So, with tongue-in-cheek, and love in my heart, I dedicate this spoof to my darling kitty-cats.
Update: I have since the original writing of this piece, again fallen victim to another pair of foster siblings, plus another stray rescue we brought on board in about 2016, so the current cat-count now stands at 9 (as of December 2018.) We were at 10 for a while, but we lost one of our senior kitties that year.
The Tune is Somehow Familiar...
You know this old tune--join in and sing along! For you doggy-owners, feel free to change "cat" to "dog" where needed, but I don't know what to tell you about the purring references. ;-)
Lil' Miss Fuzz
Ready, Set, Sing!
On the first day of Yuletide, my cats arranged for me,
One purring cuddlepile,
On the second day of Yuletide, my cats arranged for me,
Two unplugged light strings,
On the third day of Yuletide, my cats arranged for me,
Three mangled garlands,
On the fourth day of Yuletide, my cats arranged for me,
Four underfoot cats,
Jigsaw Puzzle
(Here's the Big Operatic Interlude)
On the fifth day of Yuletide, my cats arranged for me,
Fi-i-i-i-i-i-ve stepped-on ta-a-a-i-i-i-ls...
On the Sixth day of Yuletide, my cats arranged for me,
Six cats a-yowling,
On the seventh day of Yuletide, my cats arranged for me,
Seven stolen cheese cubes,
On the eighth day of Yuletide, my cats arranged for me,
Eight shredded presents,
On the ninth day of Yuletide, my cats arranged for me,
Nine spilled egg nogs,
On the tenth day of Yuletide, my cats arranged for me,
Ten missing ribbons,
On the eleventh day of Yuletide, my cats arranged for me,
Eleven Broken ornaments,

Now For the Big Finale...
On the twelfth day of Yuletide, my cats arranged for me,
Twelve hissy-fits,
Eleven broken ornaments,
Ten missing ribbons,
Nine spilled egg nogs,
Eight shredded presents,
Seven stolen cheese cubes,
Six cats a-yowling,
Fi-i-i-i-i-ve stepped-on ta-a-a-i-i-i-ls,
Four underfoot cats,
Three mangled garlands,
Two unplugged light strings,
and a Pretty Purring Cudd-l-l-l-le Pi-i-i-i-le.
Our Yuletide Decor
© 2011 Liz Elias