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Valentine's Day Gift Suggestions

Updated on June 25, 2020
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Nagging is very destructive on relationships, learning to tolerate one another its what keeps a relationship strong.

Valentine’s Day is celebrated all over the world, however, it’s not observed as a holiday in some countries.

Each time we hear the word ‘Valentine’ the first thought that comes to mind is Love, beautiful red colour rose flowers, packaged parcels and hampers. It brings good memories to some people while it is a bad news to some people depending on their life experiences but notwithstanding, it bring good feelings, especially if you are in love! It reminds you of that special person in your life.

Valentine's Day Gift Options

What The History Said About Valentine’s Day or Saint Valentine’s Day

History has it that Saint Valentinus or Valentine was a Christian Minister, who was imprisoned for conducting a wedding for soldiers who were forbidden to marry and as well for ministering to Christians who were condemned by then Roman Empire.

Moreover, during the time he was jailed, he healed the daughter of the man who jailed him (either by prayer or by administration of medication, it was not specified how he healed her) and before he was executed, he wrote a letter to the girl or woman whom he healed and ended it with ‘Your Valentine’ hence the celebration of Valentine’s Day.

Valentine's Day Gift

Valentine's Day Gift Suggestions

Do you celebrate Valentine's Day and how?

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Saint Valentine was a minister of the gospel, who demonstrated love to its extreme and Christians who are expected to uphold such celebration, now sees it as a worldly celebration. Jesus Christ said that we should love our enemies not just those who loved us back, and Saint Valentine fulfilled this law of Christ. Despite the unfair judgment against him, he still feel concerned for the household of his jailer. I think February 14 should be seen and celebrated as a day of reconciliation although I stand to be corrected.

Perhaps, you quarreled with someone in the past, not necessarily your spouse or acquaintance, this could be the day to call it truce and make peace with the person. You don’t need to buy anything, you could just call him or her up on the phone or send text messages, Valentine’s Day ambiance does wonders and it feels special, remember forgiveness is good for your health.

Special Gift For Her

My Opinion of Valentine’s Day

I would like to define Saint Valentine’s Day or Valentine’s Day also known as ‘Lovers’ Day’ in my own opinion; ‘valentine’s Day is world love awareness day’ just like there are awareness’ day for some important or special things that happened to mankind. Love is one of the best things that happened to humanity, and it makes people feel alive. Remember, “Love makes the world go round,” a title of hit song by Deon Jackson (1966). When I was much younger, somebody asked me what makes the world go round, I quickly answered ‘money’ I was thinking, with money I can travel round the world, just like my favorite game ‘around the world in eighty (80) days. The person told me that I was wrong, and now I understand why it's love that makes the world go round. You can have money, and travel round the world, but without love, you cannot tolerate or connect with the world (people)!

Type of Gift You Should Buy for Your ‘Lover’

During Saint Valentine’s Day celebration, there are many gift items in different stores, making a choice on gift to buy could be confusing. I am going to list out some gift items, which you can get for your ‘Val’. You have to choose based on the cash in your pocket/waljet, very important, don’t spend all your money just to buy valentine gift, cut your coat according your material.

Happy Valentine's Day

Gift for your wife/girlfriend

- Lovely Red Rose flower (bouquet optional) is a lovely gift for your woman any time any day and I know she would love it, a beautiful red rose flower from a man on this special day is a big deal and every woman would love it. Red rose flower signifies how passionate your love for her is, and giving her such a gift, would make her day.

- Valentine Teddy bear is another fabulous gift to give to your girlfriend. Almost every girl love teddy bear especially when it’s from the one she love!

- Valentine frame

- Jewelries like- necklace, bracelet, wristwatch, etc.

- Special perfume

- Chocolate (dark chocolate)

- Cake

- Customized gift is another adorable gift for Valentine.

- Ring (it could be an engagement or friendship ring). It would make every woman's valentine a memorable one.

- Take her out to her favorite place and spoil her with her favorite dish and music and most importantly have fun together.

- If you decide to stay home, prepare fun-filled games for both of you to play together that is another way of bounding and relaxing. It will also help to know each other better.

Valentine’s Gift for your husband/boyfriend

Valentine's day is a day to reminisce of how both of you started. It is a day to appreciate what you share together. The following gifts are highly recommended.

- Cards (A special card whether customized or not just to poured out how you feel about him.

- Perfume

- Undies (boxers)

- T-Shirt (Preferably the inner singlet wore by men)

- Wristwatch

- Wine: given your man a wine would be a romantic gesture and on a day like Valentine’s Day, it’s just perfect.

- And of course cook his favorite food!

Valentine's Day Romantic Comedy Movie

How And Where To Celebrate Your Valentine

I just want to lend a helping hand by suggesting some places you could go and enjoy this special day.

- Go out on a romantic date. Every couple supposed to have a favorite spot to cool off, so this could be another special day to go and hang out at your special place.

- You could visit the beach and enjoy the cool breeze atmosphere fair together.

- Visiting the zoo could be lovely, watching your favorite animals especially if both of you have not been there before.

- Watching waterfalls together would be entertaining and fun.

- As the two of you are enjoying your day, this could be the avenue to pop the most wanted question ‘will you marry me?’ that would be so sweet and romantic you know.

- After all the outing, having a romantic dinner together at home would be so sweet for both of you. Decorate a table with candles, drinks, cake, flowers, chocolates and lovely music to brighten the atmosphere preferably your favorite song, just chill and enjoy yourself and afterwards, you exchange gift you bought for each other.

- Write love letter(s) to each other, it could be fun, some feelings are better expressed on paper than expressing it verbally. Most especially if you are in long distance relationship, you could just post a letter with a gift to your lover that would make his or her day when he or she receives it.

- Valentine’s Day could be a day to renew your marriage vow and re-affirm your love for each other. However, this could be done any other day of your choice. Valentine’s Day is a special day for lovers, renewing your love on this special day would be awesome.

Falling in love is a great deal, and a wonderful thing that could happen to anybody, why not make it a memorable day, have fun and be happy with your love, a song writer said “cherish the love you have” because it's not easy to fall in love!


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