Do You Believe in Miracles? And What Really Matters in Life, Anyway?
Are There Really Christmas Miracles? (or any other time of year?)
In early December, only a couple of weeks ago, my boyfriend of eight years told me that his son had called him. To some, this may be a normal thing. But to him, this is an answer to years of anguish, years of loss, and years of prayer. As he was telling me about it, my heart leapt up with an amazing joy, something I hadn’t felt in a long time. It seemed like a “Christmas miracle.”
As for my Christmas spirit, I had been feeling like quite the Grinch. Perhaps some of it was warranted, as many changes have occurred in my professional and private life over the last few years, some changes of which have been very stressful and have robbed from me any sense of hope.
My Own Lack of Christmas Spirit
I didn’t decorate for Christmas this year. Not at all. This is very unusual for me, as it is the first year EVER since being on my own that I haven’t decorated. Actually, for the past twelve years, I have had big Christmas parties, complete with numerous appetizers and finger foods that I would spend all day working on. Spotless house, fancy clothes, dog in Santa suit, and cats with bows—these were part of my holiday plan as well.
But this year my burnout took its toll on the Christmas season…until the day I saw my guy emotional and unable to speak after a call from his son that he hadn’t talked to in years, and hadn’t seen in over eleven years. And my numb aversion to this year’s Christmas celebrations began to melt….
And the Miracle Continues....
And now, two weeks later, his second son, who also lives many states away, called him. They both want to see him and are sorry that so much time has passed. He is making plans to travel north after Christmas when they have some time off work. One son said that if Dad can’t make it, then he’ll come down and get him! To see the wet, grateful eyes of my long-time love is the best Christmas gift I could have, and perhaps it’s something that will also miraculously get me into the Christmas spirit this year.
So What Really Matters in Life?
So what really matters in life? At Christmas, many focus on the amazing birth of Christ, which influences their giving in spirit and gifts. Others, who may not follow the religious aspect, still get into the giving spirit of the season. Whatever the focus, I think most people would agree that family being around is an integral part of the specialness of the season. When I have thought about something happening to my guy--his untimely passing--without ever reconciling with his sons, I have been overcome with sadness for him and for them. Such unresolved pain!
Now after all these years, I am grateful to God for answering the prayers I and others have prayed. Seeing the joy and gratitude in his eyes, the tears, make me feel that somehow he, as well as I, are being brought back into the spirit of Christmas with a miracle we were both afraid might never happen.
I am thankful. I don't have the words to express how much, but I am so thankful.
*Note: This happened a couple of years ago in late 2011, but the reconciliation was real, and the relationships continue. Here's to you . . . in hoping for your own miracle.