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National Make Your Bed Day

Updated on May 8, 2020
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I enjoy discovering weird and wonderfuls and sharing them with others.

What Is It?

National Make Your Bed Day, observed on 11 September, is a day when people are encouraged to set aside time in the morning to make their beds and straighten up their bedrooms.

‘But I’ve got enough to do in the morning. Dogs need walking, kids need dropping off, not to mention the commute to work. Anyway, what’s the point of making up a bed nobody’s going to see?’

Yes, we all have busy lives. But did you know that setting some time aside to make your bed can help you cope with the rest your day?

Benefits of Making Your Bed

According to the National Sleep Foundation, people who make their beds and tidy their rooms are more likely to get a good night’s sleep. An orderly environment means less stress and a more fitful sleep. A well-rested person is better able to deal day-to-day challenges.

Making your bed keeps dust and allergens from settling on your sheets and pillowcases resulting in less sneezing and more quality sleep for you and your partner.

Also, the simple task of making your bed can impart a sense of accomplishment, boosting a positive attitude. This, in turn, makes you more likely to carry on tackling the day’s various challenges with a better outlook.

Change the World by Making Your Bed

How to Celebrate

Make Your Bed

Making your bed seems pretty obvious, I know. But here are some tips anyway.

1. Don’t start making your bed as soon as you jump out of it. Mites love a warm, humid environment, like the bed you just rose from. Pull the covers all the way down and let the bed air out while you shower, have a coffee, check your emails, etc.

2. If you use flat sheets, have a go at hospital corners. This method was developed by British nurses during the Crimean War so they could change or resize the sheets without discomforting the patients. Hospital corners also help keep the sheets secure, so you don’t get tangled up in them during the night. The more simple fitted sheet, with elasticated corners, did not appear until approximately the 1990s.

How to Make Hospital Corners in a Snap!

3. During the night, perspiration and drool can seep into the pillow. Whenever possible, leave them out in the sun for a few hours to dry out. This will help the pillows plump up naturally.

Show Off Your Bed

Your bed provides you with warmth and succour. Show your appreciation by covering it with fluffy, feather comforter tucked inside a beautiful cotton duvet cover.

Musee des Maisons Comtoises
Musee des Maisons Comtoises | Source
Eco Musée Maisons Comtoises de Nancray dans le Doubs
Eco Musée Maisons Comtoises de Nancray dans le Doubs | Source

Fun Facts

1. Hurricane Beds, patented in the United States 1985, is a bed in a drawer which can be closed to protect the sleeper from hurricanes.

2. Murphy beds, patented by William Lawrence Murphy circa 1900, can be folded into a wall and pulled down when needed.

3. Approximately one in ten of all living Europeans were conceived in an Ikea bed.

4. The first waterbeds were used in Persia nearly 4000 years ago. They were made from goatskins. The first modern ones were used at St. Bartholomew’s Hospital, London as a way to treat and prevent bed sores.

5. Magnetic floating mattresses are now available. For a mere $1.6 million, you can utilize the power of magnets to support you while you sleep.

6. But that price is nothing compared to The Baldacchino Supreme bed. Made from 24k pure gold, ash and chestnut woods and topped with a glass canopy, this bed comes in at an extraordinary $6.3million.

7. It is believed that the French king, Louis XIV, owned 413 beds. That’s enough to celebrate Make Your Bed Day every day and then some.

Louis XIV Rigaud Condé Chantilly
Louis XIV Rigaud Condé Chantilly | Source

Yes, I Do Make My Bed

I first watched the Admiral’s speech above a few months ago. As I listened, I was inspired. The following day, I made a conscious effort to make the bed every morning rather than waiting till later in the day, if I did it at all. It’s not a monumental job, only five minutes out of my morning. But during those five minutes, I made a mental list of what I wanted to accomplish that day. When I finished, I was rather pleased with myself and motivated to carry on with my to-do list. In addition, I found I actually had some spare time to indulge in some cross-stitching.

I may not change the world by making my bed, but I did change my outlook. Hopefully, it will do the same for you.


© 2018 Zulma Burgos-Dudgeon


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