Nature Inspired Gifts, Cards and Photos for Your Valentine
Peace and Beauty Abounds
The beauty and wonder of the natural world has always inspired and fullfilled me. On a dreary winter day, the color and movement of the birds lifts my spirits. Just looking at photographs of flowers and wildlife helps to chase away those winter blues. Down here in South Louisiana February 14th can be either dreary or delightful. But during this time of year most of the people in the rest of the U.S. are snowed in and cold, wondering what present they can get for their significant other.
For Valentine's Day this year, why not think out of the box and choose a gift that is inspired by nature? Some of the best presents are natural things. Such things an orchid plant or blooming live azalea or colorful forced bulbs are preferred because these things are lasting.
Lovely Orchids
Another thing that most women enjoy receiving is jewelry fashioned in the shape of birds and flowers or made from semi-precious natural stones including rose quartz (to symbolize love), amethyst, jasper or other healing gems. A card with a floral or bird design and some sweet sentiment always sets my heart a flutter. As would a shirt with a hummingbird or bluebird design on the front. An unusual but wonderful present would be a bluebird nest box, built to North American Bluebird specifications.
Spring Eastern Bluebirds
Bluebirds herald that spring is not far away. That alone is enough to make most people happy, but to see a pair of bluebirds investigating your nest box makes one's heart jump with joy.
Male bluebirds court the females who come into his territory. He sits on top of the house or up in a tree and sings his best song. When she shows interest, he shows her the nest box. If she likes it, she will begin bringing in nesting material.
The Bluebird wears the sky on its back.
— ThoreauAfter Courtship Comes Baby Birds
Pictures tell a thousand words and can be so inspiring, whether it be the courtship of birds or the beauty of the flora each print tells a story making it a worthy expression of your affection. Did you know that Carolina wrens mate for life and stay together all year long or that the bower bird entices a mate with a dance and a trinket? Even if you don't find the perfect gift idea here, perhaps you'll leave feeling a little more enlightened about the glory of the natural world.
Carolina Wren Feeding Young
Valentine's Day Gift Poll
What would you like to receive on Valentine's Day?
While you read, please enjoy this humorous old song by Dinah Shore about love, marriage and violets. The lovely fragrant flowers of this small plant were once the favorite bouquet that young suitors gave to their lady.
Sweet Violets Song by Dinah Shore
Language of Flowers Card
Hearts and Flowers
Did you know that certain flowers signify love and devotion? That's the reason red roses are such a hit for Valentine's Day. In olden times sweethearts would select flowers that told the other how they felt about them.
Here is a sentiment that I wrote inside the Language of Flowers card. A tussie-mussie containing the flowers mentioned here would make a very romantic gift. If your love is a gardener, like me, then the live versions of these plants, which can be planted in the garden when the weather warms up, would surely win his or her heart.
Tussie-Mussie Poem
First comes a four-leaved clover that says, "Be Mine"
Next comes Blue Violets, faithful for all time
Red and white roses speak for the unity we share
And a red Chrysanthemum says, "I Love".
You know how much I care.
Rosemary and Forget Me Nots, to remember our love so true.
And last some White Dittany for the passion I feel for you.
Native Azalea and Swallowtail Butterflly
Natural Stones have a meaning all their own.
Rose Quartz, Amethyst and Jasper
For centuries natural stones have been connected to healing and power. Rose quartz is said to be a love stone. Amethyst, the birthstone of February has long been connected to meditation and health. Some believe that it also promotes insight. Beautiful red jasper is a protective stone and makes an excellent "worry bead". It, too is one of the stones which can aid healing. All are outstanding both in their natural form and polished.
Many years ago a boyfriend gave me a lovely bracelet containing these stones and other lovely ones. It was so precious that I wore it for years until the clasp broke.
Sterling Silver Celtic Knot Amethyst Earrings
Amethysts are one of my favorite stones and are also the birthstone of February. The setting of these amethyst earrings have a lovely Celtic knot. I have some similar ones with amber stones that I enjoy wearing. They are long enough to be noticed, but are light enough for even the most delicate ear lobe.
Flowers and Birds for Your Love
Noisette Pink Rose
Fragrant Roses
Red roses given to a sweetheart say, "I love you". Each February 14th, during their 50 plus year marriage, my father would give my mother red roses. Mother loved roses so Dad also had many rose bushes planted in her garden. We children took cuttings of some, so we still have a symbol of their love growing in our garden today.
Love Birds
Male Cardinal Courting His Mate
Hummer Kisses
To me the birds of the air symbolize love and caring. Anyone who has watched a mother bird spend weeks sitting on a nest and then weeks more with her mate feeding their young can testify to this. During the courtship of the brilliant cardinals when the red male feeds his mate as if to show that he will be a good father later when he feeds the young once they fledge is almost romantic. Bluebird males court the females with sweet songs and waving wings as they show a prospective mate their new nest cavity.
The world of birds is filled with gift giving and courtships. One of the most flamboyant is the bowerbird. I hope you'll enjoy the video of the colorful display below.
Courtship Dance of the Bowerbird
Love Hummingbirds
Most women and men enjoy t-shirts. I like ones with birds, butterflies and flowers, especially hummingbirds and bluebirds.
More Nature Valentines
- Valentine, What Shall I Give Thee?
Be old-fashioned and give your lady love a gift in the language of flowers as they did during the romantic Victorian times. Here you'll find lists of flowers and their meanings plus floral gifts.
© 2011 Yvonne L B