White T-Shirt Day
February 11th is White Tee Shirt Day!
White Tee Shirt Day was established to support the members of the United Auto Workers Union (UAW) who participated in a sit-down strike in 1937. The strike, against General Motors, ended on February 11th, so White Tee Shirt Day is celebrated on February 11th every year.
Being that I design tee shirts (this shirt is one of my designs, but I have shirts on many sites, see below), I thought I'd liven up White Tee Shirt Day by encouraging people to wear white tees, but with a twist -- pick YOUR message and wear it on a white tee shirt.
Books About the Labor Movement from Amazon
When I was growing up, I learned a lot about labor unions. We learned about the Triangle Shirtwaist Fire, a tragedy which strengthened unions in general and led to the forming of the International Ladies Garment Workers Union (ILGWU). Unions helped to make America (aka The United States) strong.
I miss that. It bothers me that so many people see unions as a negative. I was horrified when Ronald Reagan fired the air traffic controllers for striking. I was annoyed when people blamed the Baseball strike on the players (Curt Flood will always occupy a warm spot in my heart).
So I will plan to wear a white tee shirt (albeit with one of my own designs on it) on February 11th. I hope you will join me.
Compugraph Designs Art Now Site
"Art Now" is another "Print on Demand" site. They have a nice collection of tees, including the one pictured here (with "Film Noir" design on it). Click on the picture to see the entire site.
Duel Debate Module
Will you be wearing a White Tee Shirt on February 11th in support of Unions? Do you support Unions?