2,000 Hours
A tear for my tracks, unseen in the dark
Peace in life, for more than a night of sleep for my return
Assassinated seeds slide down the sink and to the sea
No matter how it’s said, it has to matter to me
How can it not matter to you too?
Are we not slaves? Aren’t freedoms few?
Changing our direction, without slowing down
Up as hard as we can go, then hard back to the ground
Hurry up and wait for our own tired asses
So we can prod them back into this engine of classes
A contraption we might not have chosen
If granted the freedom of choice
If when we cried, we weren’t denied
We might now have a voice
Could it be that we were right as children to resist?
Against what pits us opposing each other simply to exist?
- Colloquial Rants and Reasoning: End Civilization as we know it Part 4
Civilized Labor and Education