6 Tips On How to Stay Optimistic
We all wanted to be completely happy for the entire life. Who doesn't want it? I want it, and for sure, you also want it. We all deserve it.
A happy life often has to do with having positive thoughts and outlooks. But whether you like it or not, living with optimism a 100% is impossible. We are all vulnerable to all the negativities around us. Sorrow would come, unfortunate events would happen, depression, anxiety and the like affect us negatively. No one can escape them no matter how much we don't want them.
So, I am writing this article to tell you that it is okay to undergo all of them and living with optimism does not mean the absence of those things. Instead, it is living allowing their existence but still moving on with hope for the future.
I have here a few tips which could help.
1. Accept
No matter what is happening to you whether it is good or bad, accept it. Give yourself time to articulate what you go through. Yes, it would be hard sometimes especially if it is a piece of bad news. And, it is okay. It is an initial feeling that we have to undergo. However, we should not get stuck on that emotion. We should pass through it bit by bit.
A problem occurs when we try to resist. And we usually are in resistance to unpleasant things thrown at us. The reasons could be our ego, unbelievable, unexpected or unlikely. Basically, around us is an ocean of possibilities which could be different from what we think and insist on it when we have no control. We would end up miserable if we do because in resistance to nature is like going against the flow of life. You will get drowned.
You have to be open to any possibilities. Give some time to process it. Then adjust until you are ready to sail and see new horizons.
Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God's will for you in Christ.
— 1 Thessalonians 5:182. Express Gratitude More Often
Likes like "look at the brighter side, and there is, always a reason for everything" are comforting at times. But most of us would find it easier said than done. Yes, it is true, especially in adversities. Our reactions might include sadness, worry, anxiety, fear, anger, and the like. And, it is normal.
Try to recall the last time you had a problem or experienced unpleasant events. Have you congratulated yourself for getting through it? How did you feel surpassing it? Most importantly, what have you become after it?
In my case, I have had lots of unpleasant circumstances and people in my life. I am glad I conquered them all. I know it is not the end, and there are still coming. But the past struggles made me who I am today. It shaped my personality, character, and attitude. I am grateful for them.
Is there a brighter side? Certainly yes! It is at the end of the tunnel you are into right now. Is there a reason for everything? Indeed yes! It is what you have become after a hard life. So, have a grateful heart for all events of your life either good or bad. It may be difficult, but be faithful and hopeful. Things happen to bring out the best in you. If it keeps happening, then you are not at your best yet. So you still need to fix yourself a bit, then keep going and choose goodness.
3. Smile More Often
Smile though your heart is hurting. Yes, it is difficult to do. But I insist that you still smile. It may not cost any amount, but it would cause a positive effect on the person you smile and eventually, on you.
When everything goes wrong, you smile. When you feel down, you smile. When you see people, you smile. When they don't reply, still smile. If you want to build a happy world, then you have to smile more often. If there is a good infection, then it will be a smile that is worth spreading. So, give your best smile while reading this article.
4. Leave It As It Is
It occurred to me the thought while heading back my hometown. What I meant about it is not to overthink the reactions of others. Yes, our ego might be hurt, but let it not destroy the relationship we have with the people around us.
There are things we should not pay much attention, for example, gossips, false accusations, prejudices, and so on. We get affected by all those things. We get hurt. But do not get carried away by it. Again, it is your ego which gets hurt. Switch it off. Be a human with no degree, high position and wealth. It is only then you could see how many people need more of your understanding. And as you drop your titles off, you also stop defending yourself or seeking for superiority. It is when you shut down your ego, you could have a better understanding of the happenings around you and see a much better place to live. People might forget your title but not your deeds. After all, earning true respect is not by your achievements but by your good deeds.
5. Do Not Compare Your Situation To Others
With this one, I plead guilty. And to check that you are guilty too, let me ask you these questions: Have you felt more miserable because you see happy people around you? Have you wished to switch situations with them?
Well, I have my own story, and you have yours. We have a fair share of happiness and misery. And whatever we are going through it will polish us until we become a precious gem.
If the spotlight is on you, then dance and be merry. But if it goes dim, then sit back and wait for your next turn. Your time will come. Just have faith and patiently wait.
6. Live Simple
It is okay to buy what you wanted. It is alright to possess expensive, branded, in-style things. It is nice to travel. But what is wrong is when you try availing those things even if it means being rock-bottom broke or worse incurring debts. Living a simple life does not mean not having expensive stuff or living in luxury. Of course, we all deserve to have a luxurious. But forcing yourself to live that way even though it is way above your means is not simple living. It is misery. Well, it is not instantly, but in the long run, you will experience it.
A simple life means living within your means, aspiring for what you wanted, working for it and saving to have it. We all are worthy of enjoying our lives but at the right time and sufficient resources. Be patient. Be hopeful. Be active.
And one more thing, enjoying your hard-earned resources, money, for instance, is more fulfilling than the easy ones.
Your time will come. Just have faith and patiently wait.
— JustaThoughtIn general, it is inevitable for us to experience rough seas in our lives, but we have to brace ourselves not to drown into the tides. Keep your faith, watch your mouth and be mindful of your actions. And don't forget to SMILE.
This article is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge. Content is for informational or entertainment purposes only and does not substitute for personal counsel or professional advice in business, financial, legal, or technical matters.
© 2019 Jason Behm