This poem is dedicated to the "voice of reason, wisdom's friend"...
a "Spirit Whisper" in the wind!
When I was asked just who I am,
I always thought I knew...
but I have, lately, come to see
my thoughts were quite untrue.
I now believe that who I am
was planted in my head...
seeds of shame and hopelessness
in youth, espoused and wed.
My every thought and feeling
was born from this belief...
and I was but a broken ship
marooned on rocky reef.
A Word of Knowledge
I didn't know I had a choice...
I'd got what I deserved.
Shame and sadness were my lot,
upon a platter served.
And then one day, to my surprise
out on that lonely reef...
a word of knowledge came to me
that challenged my motif...
a voice of reason, wisdom's friend
did whisper in my ear...
"Take a look beneath your deck...
you are not stranded here!
Oars Are Thoughts
Look for oars! and give a push!"
a wise voice said to me...
and sure enough, with oars in hand
a push set my ship free!
The oars were new ideas.
I must release the old..
I must change my thinking...
and dismiss all I'd been told.
I did not know that thoughts give birth
to everything I feel...
and by embracing thoughts of love
that love could become real.
Bon Voyage!
Now I know that who I am
Is who I'm meant to be...
and I can choose to be a ship
that sails most happily.
shame and hopelessness have fled
new seeds now sprout and grow
and when I'm asked, now, who I am...
I think of love and know.
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