A Poem Through Meditation
Thanks for the Inspiration, Manatita44
I had this thought, an inspiration, if you will, when I read the lovely sonnet dedication, Manatita44 wrote to me. The words drifted through me and filled me with a sense of serene peace. So, I decided my next poem would be written through a meditation state.
Honestly, I've always been interested in meditating to find inner peace for myself; to be one with my surroundings. I know meditation gives you a clear view of all things, a different perspective of faith when you become the center of yourself through meditation. I have only had two instances of meditation up to this point in my life, and it was just a very relaxing time. I listened to Deepak Chopra as I meditated. His mastery in this helped me go to another place in time with soothing guidance and relaxing melodies.
However, I always hoped I could go it alone. Meditate by myself with my own melodies and visions guiding the way. This was what I did here, with this poem. I took a journey through meditation alone, with no one around, with only my thoughts, and my visions guiding me through. When I awoke from my journey, I wrote it down.
This was my journey, and I would like to thank Manatita44 for inspiring my journey. Thank You!
The First Wave
I see a painting of a woman in my head,
walking along the ocean's edge.
The wind gently flowing her dress as
The bottom hem softly settles on the
water and gets wet.
She stops and turns, looking out over
the waves while inhaling the salty air.
I have seen a painting such as this before.
I have imagined it was me standing on
the shore.
The Middle Wave
A sea of hope, a sea of music, a sea of
sadness. It speaks all these things
with its fluent madness.
I’m in this. It feels relaxed, and I feel
more real than I ever have.
In this painting of longing and despair, as
I stare, I feel the embrace of the warm
breeze blowing.
It sends my mind to that boat, way out
in the great big ocean it floats.
I blink and now I’m there, smiling as
dolphins jump in the air.
Splashing around so free, then one
comes to the boat and looks at me.
I feel as one with this mammal that
shares our planet, and it seems we
have become destined friends forever.
As I watch it swim away and disappear
into the deep black underflow, I hear
a wave slapping the boat, and it swallows
me up with a great big gulp.
The Last Wave of Release
I’m now drifting under water, yet I’m
not scared at all. I hear silence for a
moment then a squeaky tone.
I wake back on the sandy beach, staring
up at the sunny sky. Somehow I’m not
in the least lacking of any buoyancy; I
am still surprisingly spry
I remain on my back while the water
brushes my feet, scanning the seagulls
as they fly above me.
Finally, I turn over on my knees and
hands, then slowly extend myself up to
I start walking toward the dunes over the top
and down the other side, out of the painting
back into my life…
Think about it...
When you meditate, where do you journey away to?
© 2015 Missy Smith