A Poem about the Holiday.
The Holiday is Finally Here!
Thanksgiving is over and the holiday season is here.
The malls are getting crowded,
there are shoppers everywhere!
As I carry my list of what to get,
for my children and grandchildren
and even my pet!
I feel overwhelmed,
there is so much to do.
I have to buy presents
and yet I have no clue.
I still need to decorate,
haven't bought the tree.
Then there is the food,
now it's getting crazy.
Just slow down I say,
and don't stress.
This is a happy time
I need to rest.
So I sit at bench
as the shoppers go by.
I remember Christmas Dinner
and yes, I did survive.
Sure there is
never enough time.
Food shopping,
present wrapping,
tree decorating!
Someone pass me
the Wine!
Finally I snap out of my daze.
What am I doing?
Why am I so crazed?
Stop it Lisa,
I say to myself.
This is not about
stress, money
or wealth.
The Holiday is about
family, giving
and loving one another.
So what if that sweater
is never worn by
your brother.
So my advice to you
is enjoy the holiday.
It comes once a year.
Spend time with
your family.
Oh one last thing.
Pass me a beer!
Author's Note
I know the holiday season can be stressful. We have to balance everyday life with the holidays. In our spare time (which is little) we must shop for presents, decorate the house inside and out. There is food shopping to do and the crowds on the roads and in the stores are endless. Finding a parking spot is impossible (unless you park so far from the store). If you live on the east coast you may be battling a snowstorm. So to all my fellow hubbers. Take a deep breath, find time to rest and relax. Remember the holiday is not about how much you spent, how many gifts you have to buy or all the food you cooked. It is about being with family and friends. It is more than just gift giving, it is about the love and friendships we have formed. It is to be enjoyed. So Happy Holidays to All.