A Road Called Repentance
Take heed therefore that the light which is in thee be not darkness ."Luke 11:35".
The Memory is the part of the soul in which recollection of all data that passes through the mind takes place, the memory remembers, and it documents all thinking. The memory keeps all records in order. This part of the soul is a file clerk or organizer. It helps us to recall any event that has happened to us good and bad. It doesn’t selectively delete bad records, because of pain, grief, sorrow, or any other bad things.
There is a road that leads to destruction
It has many paths and so many detours,
The highways are travelled at great speeds
One must proceed with caution!
Slow down winding road ahead,
If the blood that Jesus shed doesn’t stop you
Nothing can or will!
Un-repentance is not an obvious or detectable sign
Nor is it the green light to progress onward
Repentance is the procedural green light
It allows valid admission or entry to proceed
Narrow is the way that leads to life
Few, not many find its hidden walkway
Repentance is a passageway tucked away!
What will it take to see the great green light?
Primarily, the blinking yellow light called caution
Shining so brightly, yet, it can be overlooked,
The road ahead even seems safe to travel
Please don’t ignore the carefulness needed
Don’t take the unrepentant road
That is a dead end street!
I must bear in mind to follow my GPS monitor
God’s Positioning System (GPS)
for the right approach I must take to stay on highway repentance,
This is a narrow street there isn’t much traffic
Should I be alarmed!
No, I’ll just follow the GPS monitor,
It will guide the way!
When a u-turn is needed I must turn around
And go back to repentance road,
How did I miss the pathway, why the turn?
It doesn’t matter now, I must repent!
I found repentance road,
I can bring myself to a complete halt
Park and turn unrepentance off!
Start from the beginning of this journey
Straight through to the end,
Deal with those sins of omission,
Sin of commission too
All that I could not see before,
Therefore I omitted from my prayers
The Spirit of Repentance saves from collisions!
Search light uncovering and exposing
What I just didn’t want to know or see,
A sub-conscious trail leading back to childhood
I never did repent of those little foxes,
I allowed them to spoil the vine
My apologies to all those offended by my actions,
I Repent to You Creator the Great I Am!
Repentance is worship that shifts atmospheres
without it un-repentance contaminates and pollutes
the atmosphere. Give a hoot and don't pollute your praise
© 2017 mabelhenry