A Simple Man
By: Wayne Brown
A simple man born to earth, naked of the womb
No past yet behind him, all his future looms
Fate cast in Heaven lights his life's pathway
Casts his lot in time and space until his dying day
If I were a carpenter, my house built on high
So I could watch the world go by
The view would be a rare one seen by few
If I were a carpenter, that’s what I’d do
If I were a farmer, my fields growing so serene
Ripe with crops all full in bloom and green
The world I’d feed with what I grew
If I were a farmer, that’s what I’d do
If I were a blacksmith, my hammer loudly rings
Bending the steel I heat into beautiful things
I heat, twist, and hammer the metal ever true
If I were a blacksmith, that’s what I’d do
If I were a teacher, my students would all know
From where they came and the true facts of so
I would teach them history so straight and true
If I were a teacher, that’s what I’d do
If I were a doctor, a surgeon’s hand to work
Saving lives and healing all the hurt
Stopping the pain that others might go through
If I were a doctor, that’s what I’d do
If I were an astronaut, my rocket ship would roar
Up through the stars to the steps at Heaven’s door
Slipping earth’s bonds; touching God’s Hand too
If I were an astronaut, that’s what I’d do
But I am just a simple man, riches or talents none
Placed upon this earth to ever labor in the sun
Offering only my fantasies of an imaginary span
For all that I could be, I am just a simple man
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