A Simple Guide for Becoming an Impressive Writer
Want To Know How To Add The Magic In Your Writing?
'The trouble is, you think you have time.'
You just read the line above. I can bet you two cups of coffee, this was exactly the kind of a sentence that would get hold of your attention. You'd see it written in those typical photos around the social media containing quotes, or as the Instagram caption of one of those 'cool' people you tend to follow. Wherever you saw it, this left an impact on you. Perhaps, if you are like me, this particular line would've made you think, "This is such a truth of life. I must not delay the moment I've been planning in my head since so long. I must execute the plan soon. For who knows, might I be alive tomorrow or might I not be?"
What was so special about this line that it gave me secondary and tertiary thoughts about it?
Now that's the question I am going to answer in this article.
"One day, I will find the right words, and they will be simple."
— Jack KerouacBeginning With The Basics
1. Decide a particular feeling or idea to start with.
For example, I take into my consideration here the fact that I've (supposedly) been very alone lately. I feel like writing my feelings out on paper, and lighten some burden off of my heart.
I begin to write.
"I feel very alone."
As an audience, you're the judge here. Did this sentence sound full of feelings or simply vague instead? Vague, of course. Let me try again.
"I feel the terrible aura of loneliness surround me."
Now, how did this feel like to read? More meaningful, a better style of conveying my feeling of solitude, right? It wasn't even that complex of a sentence. All I did was define each word with the correct adjective* and get a bit creative with my styling of the sentence.
This is the creativity that adds the magic touch to one's words and texts. Something that makes the words sound more authentic and attracts serious attention towards them. This is an art, and anybody who wishes to become a good writer must practise this regularly to enhance their creativity skills.
*Important: You must not add excess of adjectives. That would make your words appear 'forced' and perhaps fake too.
2. Maximise your use of good and suitable expressions.
Expressions refer to the modifications of your creativity. Your delivery of words must be served by accurate and befitting expressions. I'd provide another example.
"I'm sorry I couldn't come. I was sick."
This doesn't sound bad. But surely we can make our sentence more attractive, can't we? Another go.
"I apologise for not being able to attend. I've been under the weather."
What a pure difference. All I did was use my first tactic, 'the creativity', and use an idiom. Idioms and proverbs - they are the gold tools. They can instantly beautify a sentence, and add 2 times more meaning to it. This is the second most important tactic of writing impressively.
3. My no.1 essential tool for excellent writing, THESAURUS.
I tell you all, if I'm a good writer today, I'd credit it to the Thesaurus my Grandad once gave to me. That book was the beginning of my even intense passion for writing, and reception of praise on my writings every now and then from people around me.
A Thesaurus is like a dictionary, just a much updated version as it doesn't exactly include the meanings of words, but rather, their 'synonyms'.
For some time, my use of Thesaurus was limited to opening it and looking for synonyms of words to use in my academic work. For example, while preparing my speeches, I would look for words that sounded more formal and authentic in place of words I randomly used. I replaced the simple words with their better versions (synonyms). For example;
"We must be prepared to deal with the results of our work."
Replacing the the word, 'results' here;
"We must be prepared to deal with the consequences of our work."
A more formal touch to a random sentence, right? A hint of authenticity. This is what we need in order to turn one into a good writer.
After some time, though, I became so much addicted to widening my vocabulary with synonyms that I'd find myself going through the Thesaurus randomly whenever I sat down in my leisure. It became a favorite activity, and a healthy one too.
These 3 tactics I've shared here with you are the most important steps you would have to take in order to become good with your words. You must remember all of these in order to proceed.
"Creativity, for a writer, is simply the right style of playing with words."
— Ghashia G.Practice Makes Perfect
Each of the tactics I've shared with you is essential for a good writing. You have to learn and practise all of these in combination, and I guarantee, you will be surprised at your own capabilities to write. You will even, eventually, develop a stronger urge to write. Not just for academic or social purposes and needs, but also for writing your heart out whenever you're feeling anything so intensely, it's hard to keep it inside of you.
Starting Off
| Getting The Method
| Mastering The Tactics
Plan out. Decide ideas. Utilise your momentary feelings and thoughts.
| Write them out plainly, the way you naturally would.
| Apply all 3 tactics I've shared with you.
Explore idioms and proverbs. Learn them for personal knowledge.
| Utilise this knowledge and put it into your regularly worded sentences.
| Once you've learnt how to modify your sentences, join multiple sentences and practise in paragraphs.
Read more books. Not only will they increase your knowledge, but also show you the difference between the authors who have the 'creativity' and authors who use it less.
| Underline the use of good expressions wherever you find in the books, as well as the catchy vocabulary and phrases. Write them down separately. Use them as much as you can.
| Applying all the tactics, tips, and ideas I've shared, along with more practice, you would've learnt the art to a great extent.
The most important factor in making you a good writer is certainly nothing but belief in yourself.
Trust yourself and your capabilities. Know that it will take some time, some practice, but eventually, you will get a good grip on the impressive style of writing. Be creative with your ideas, and never, ever stop believing in you.
You will get there in no time, with true will-power and real consistency. I promise you.
Do Drop Your Feedback!
Let me know how you liked the article, and whether it helped you or not. Your feedback is really important. I will also be welcoming all your topic suggestions for my future articles.
Stay consistent, stay safe. Best of luck from my side.
You go, Writer!
This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.
© 2019 Ghashia Gehan