A Song For My King
A song for my King!
When thoroughly dressed in words,
I’ll do justice to my thoughts of Him
With the tongue of the learned:
Forsaken by men, remembered by God
The Presence of Christ abolished my crisis.
A song for my King I’ll sing.
Blinded by desires, I see only my Self.
My blind eyes you opened - to love as you love
Through the lens of love, I see my King enthroned!
Heaven in my heart, my sore - heart you healed.
I’ll add my hymn to those of His angels,
A song for my King I’ll sing.
I was nobody until I came into His Body.
Before the mighty One stood behind my two zeros,
Excellent was foreign to me.
Then, I drank happiness from parches of good,
Now, Jesus is my eternal spring of joy.
A song for my King I’ll sing.
The test of yesterday is my testimony of today
He processed me before He possessed me;
Presenting His glory in my story!
I will broadcast His love across the nations,
I will speak of His wonders to the children of men
A song for my King I’ll sing.
Most important things in life you gave us free
The strong rejoice, the weak thank you;
You alone constitute our comfort and joy.
So big, so close – I’ve never seen a father like you.
Thousands there, thousands here, come join me now;
As I sing a song for my King.