A Trail of Tears - A Poem
I am on a trail of tears...
One filled with bitterness and strife.
Some days I am filled with no hope.
Please let this be the end of my life.
My days fill with empty promises.
My heart has been broken.
The betrayal is nearly too much to bare.
Why weren't they there,
when I needed them to care?
My heart has been ripped open.
The lies, oh how I hate them.
I am wrapped by chains of despair.
I had thought they cared.
How can I cope,
when I have no hope?
I am on a tail of tears...
I feel weak, as tear slides down my cheek.
It's not my fault...I tried.
I tried to tell them what was in my heart,
only to have it torn apart.
My life is meaningless,
right now I could care less.
I want to end it all now,
I don't care how...
I am on a tail of tears...
How can I forgive those that broke my heart with lies and betrayal?
How can I forgive this infliction?
How do I trust those that carelessly threw away my love and loyalty?
When will the pain of sorrow and desperation go away?
When will those who hate me pay?
Where do I find the hope to heal this pain?
God ...is his name...
I bow my head and let the tears of anguish flow.
It is time to let it go...
“Dear Lord,
I am on a trail of tears.
I am in pain.
I have nothing to gain.
I beg you to come into my life.
Please, help me to heal from this bitterness and strife,
Before I end my life.
Please help me to forgive, too,
My heart beaten black and blue.
Please Lord, I pray...
Help me to get through this day.
Save me...Lord, I plea!
Please help me, make this day flee.
Heal me from this pain.
Help me to find peace.
Thank you, Jesus.
For your name I pray.
I was on a trail of tears,
My love battered and bruised.
My trust had turned to dust.
I was on a trail of tears,
for I had let the bitterness and hate,
nearly seal my fate.
My faith was once more restored,
in the glory of God's love.
He bound my sorrows and gave me hope.
I was on a trail of tears,
but God's love showed me;
that forgiveness is like the sunrise,
a ray of warmth to my battered soul.
“Thank you, Lord,” I pray,
“For brightening my day.
Thank you for healing the pain.
And the hope I gained..
It isn't easy, but I know,
wherever I go,
I will feel your love,
that has been forever told.
The end of the day I breathe,
sunshine running through the trees,
happiness is filled in me,
laughing at the memories.
“Dear Lord, I pray,
thank you for saving my day.”