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A story of Optimism..

Updated on March 2, 2014

What's the point?

What is Life?

Do we live to breath or breath to live? Do you wake up every morning to the same routine? If you have a purpose in life than you have a reason to wake up. Maybe it's your job, your children, your family or something else. However, what happens when everything changes in your life and now you wake up with no purpose. Are you unemployed? Are your children grown with children of their own? Do you find yourself struggling just to get through the day? If you answered yes to these questions maybe you are stuck in a rut. Life isn't what it used to be. Do you find yourself sad and have little energy? Maybe you want to get off that couch? After all, when your life changes so drastically it can wreck havoc on you emotionally and physically. Believe me, I know.

When there's no job to go to.

I lost my job in 2012. Now my unemployment ran out. Now what? Everyday I job search. I send out resumes every week via the computer. Sometimes five, sometimes more. I've had interviews and yet, no offers. I've had recruiters interview me over the phone. Still no job. I do everything right. Get the interview (which goes well). Send out a thank you letter (within two days). I make a follow-up call to the interviewer in a week. Still no job. Now there's no money coming in. I've stopped looking in my field of expertise and still no job. My resumes been changed and updated so many times, I've lost count. I have great references and yet no job. It is very discouraging. Sound familiar to you?

Where is the work?

Cabin Fever

Cabin fever is being stuck in the house. If you live on the east coast then you know we've had rain, snow and freezing cold days. So, you are stuck in your house. At least if you had a job, you would have a place to go. If you have young children they keep you busy. I've come to the conclusion daytime television is boring. I was never a TV person when I worked and went to college. I don't watch soap operas. I hate those talk shows and I've had enough of court shows. This is why I write. It keeps me sane. I also love to read, but after awhile my eyes get too tired. So what do I? I take a nap in the middle of the afternoon. I'm not an elderly person, but boredom sets in. How I wish for Spring to come. At least with warmer weather I can get out of this house.

Rainy Days

Snow! Again?

Money is tight.

With no employment, money is tight. So if you say go to the Mall, a movie or out to eat. Forget it. Such things are not possible for someone with no job. Just buying food, paying bills and basic needs are a struggle. Why are things so tough these days? Have you noticed how much a gallon of milk cost? I try to stretch that dollar, but it isn't easy. Sure I have family. Thank God for them. However, our family has their own bills, young children and their own problems. It hurts to ask for anything. Especially if you are like me and you worked over twenty years, went to college and obtained a certification in your field. Yet pride is something you let go of when things are out of your control. Sure some people may thing your lazy or lucky that you do not work. I tell them I look everyday and WANT TO WORK!. My house is so clean you can eat off the floor. I do not want to be home. I want to be out there spending eight or more hours at a job. It would give me a purpose. I miss those days. Can those of you reading this understand?

So what to do?

Well for one thing, don't give up. Anyone can fall into deep depression, especially those of you that are unemployed and struggling with bills. There are a lot of agencies out there that can help. I won't list them here because each state is different. There are food pantries, church volunteers, free counseling for both mental and financial issues. Now, there is affordable health care for all. You just need to apply. However, it does take a toll on a person who has always been self sufficient to seek such help. Sometimes we just have to think that at some time in our life we may need to seek help. Yes it's that word pride. Take that word and put it aside. However, regardless of your situation. Don't give up hope. Some days I think, "What's the point?". Well I know that the day I stop looking for a job is when a new one is posted. If I don't jump on applying there will be 50-100 people who have. Yes it is so competitive with the unemployment rate so high.

Happiness does exist.

Don't worry be Happy!

Do you remember that song? Sure it is easy to say be happy when everything around you looks so bad. However, what good are you doing to yourself just laying around? What good does it to be miserable all the time? I would like to say "Hey you have your health?" But again, this is not always the case. I gain strength from my husband, my children and my grandchildren, as well as other family members. I keep in touch with friends. I write on hubpages and enjoy reading everyone's kind comments. I make the effort to look everyday for a job. I'm not homeless, thank God. There is food in my fridge. If you can relate to what I've written, then please, Don't Give Up. Happiness will find you. That job you are looking for will come. Health care will be given to you. It is a constant struggle to get rid of the negative thoughts in your head, but it is possible. I wrote this for me and for anyone else who is struggling in these hard times. Keep the Faith.

Life is tough

How do you cope with the struggles of everyday life?

See results

Don't Worry Be Happy.


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