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And There Was None Left!

Updated on January 25, 2019

This morning (Sunday 29th September, 2013) I preached my last sermon as the Chaplain of Our Saviour's Chapel, University of Port Harcourt and the topic was: COME, LET US BUILD THE RIGHT THINGS! It was more of a valedictory speech than a sermon because it was the culmination of the three eventful years I have served as Chaplain to this wonderful congregation that God has so richly blessed.

As I sit here before my laptop, my mind goes down memory lane and I remember with nostalgia, how it all began. Take this journey with me:

In 1978, my late father took a photograph of me dressed in priestly robes and filed it away in an album without a thought. 26 years later, I answered the call to ministry and he couldn't understand why until he went back to that picture and suddenly felt prophetic.

The years have gone by since then and dad joined mum on the other side in 2007 (three years after I answered the call). I spent the years between 2007 and 2010 planting Churches in Bayelsa State and generally following the leading of the Lord in my life. Then, it came to December 31st, 2010 and I started a journey that has been a training and a blessing.

I walked into Our Saviour's Chapel, University of port harcourt as a rookie Priest, who had nothing by way of experience and absolutely no understanding of the best way to begin. I only had a Bachelor's Degree in Geography and a Diploma in Theology but what was that compared to the Professors and the PhD holders in the congregation I was expected to serve and lead? It wasn't the fear of embarrassing myself but rather the fear of not being able to pass God's message across in a convincing manner to change lives - but that was stupidity in itself because when God sends a person on a mission, He equips that person for that mission.

It took me all of three years to realize that the Master Planner has it all worked out; He just needs a willing vessel. Many times, we REASON when we should exercise FAITH; we look for facts and human templates for success more than we search for the heart of the Saviour and His will for every moment, every situation and every congregation. Sometimes we feel so inadequate and look at the heights of the "giants" rather than look through God's eyes to see the "gnats" that giants tend to become when viewed from another perspective.

I am still learning as I pack the last of my property heading for another assignment that He will soon reveal to me.

My wife told me this evening that she may have to force me to move out of this house in which I have lived for three lovely and memorable years. She could, you know? One can take me out of the house but can one take the house out of me?

It has been a painful farewell; tears were shed and there were hugs and sweet sounding promises to keep in touch but at the end of it all, will those promises be kept? I look around the apartment one more time and I resolve to make the best use of the memories. To lock them in the album of my heart....perhaps, there may be an encore someday....

Once "those bags" leave this house, I would follow suit and then, there will be none left!!!


During my Sendforth Service

With wifey, Mum-inlaw and a member
With wifey, Mum-inlaw and a member
The Picture dad took of me in 1978
The Picture dad took of me in 1978

Years after the prophetic picture


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