After six years I finally got the THORN out of my flesh
It was like eight years ago when I got fully introduced to this new type of bully.
She walked right up to me with an evil grin on her face.
Hey my name is mathematics and I'd be your friend, for
two whole years, if you don't pass me I will ruin you life
FOREVER. Oh we'll my name is abby and I hope we
can become great friends, but in my mind I had other
Important friends like English A & B , clothing and textile
Social Studies, Art, Principle of Business and Office Procedures
to think about. I wasn't going anywhere near Mathematics cause I just
hated her right from the start. Every time I saw Mrs. Wright
Scribbled her on the board it gave me goose bumps. I had
no choice but to scribble her too, she was so hard, complicated
and disgusting I so wished I didn't have to.
I couldn't stand her anymore so I walked right up to mathematics
and said I hate you, your stupid trigonometry, Pythagoras theorem,
Geometry and matrices just makes me wanna throw up. Stay away from me!!!
She said but why? You ought to be my friend or else things will never go
well with you, oh why don't you just shut up I've got my English to attend to.
You silly old mean creep, you big fat bully all day long you keep hurling
at me " You got to pass me " just stay to hell away from me.
Well I never like looking over my Mathematics I just hated her and decided whatever
I am not going to even bother with her. Soon the time came for me to sit the exam
I hardly knew my left hand from my right, oh no she was really right my heart was
now full of fright , my pen twitching in my hands, cold sweat now soaked my shirt.
I scribbled the little i knew of this big fat bully who taunted me day and night.
I left the room hoping the little I wrote will make all things right. I heard mathematics
laughing out evil and saying I know you won't pass and never will until you are good to me
Shut up you twitt, I'd pass alright and just get out of my sight.
Soon enough results came and I really failed Mathematics but was excited that I passed
six other subjects I felt proud. I knew it was pretty hard to get a job without Maths
but I knew that God would make it possible and yes he did through my daddy and
a friend of his i got a good job few years after. I attempted the Maths exams like four times after that and failed every time.
I still refused to show her affection but I know deep down I needed her, she was that thorn
in my flesh that won't stop pricking at me till I get her out. In 2011 I signed up for the exam
again but this time I knew I had to beat this bully down I am not going to be a clown no
more. I got out my books and math cd and I give her a little attention daily, I started going
to lessons and tried my best to understand the tactics I must use to whip this bully. My
cousin was doing exams to and she helped me with things I did not understand. We
sat exams and we both passed she got a two and I a three I was disappointed a bit
but was still happy I finally beat that bully. Thanks to GOD that I no longer have to hear
her silly hurls at me am set forever.
Written by : Joanna Chandler
Copyright 2012