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Am I the Pebble or the Ripple?

Updated on February 23, 2015
The ripple
The ripple | Source

Am I a Ripple?

In my early stages of writing, I was a reactionary writer. I saw something; read about something; heard something then would write about it. Some works were about something that interested me at the moment; others about my family; still others about my view on the world today. I had not found my "voice", my place in the world of writing. I began with a work detailing my thoughts on the EF-5 tornado which struck my hometown in May of 2011. The road from there to here has been long and fraught with high seas, strong winds and muddy waters; rarely has there been smooth sailing. And for the most part I was the ripple; a reaction to something tossed into my environment causing me to react.

So when I say I was a reactionary writer it was because I was reacting to my environment at that moment in time. This does not mean I am unhappy being this type of a writer; merely that now, some years into my "Writing Career" (heh heh) I am noticing that I may not be simply that type of writer any longer.

Thank you Sir William!

I feel I have changed direction somewhat now. I am more comfortable creating from within, from my own thoughts. I still react to exterior impulses but not exclusively. For the first time in my life I feel comfortable offering a suggestion. And this is the result of that suggestion.

So as a ripple, I was reacting to the stone thrown into my waters. I was without original impetus, without original thought. Something had to spur me to create my words. Then I noticed a change, a shift occurring in my words. It was not sudden, nor was it especially noticeable. It simply was different. I began to feel as though I could create something wholly my own, from my thoughts, dreams, mind. It was uniquely my own. I was approaching the threshold of something I feared, yet was drawn to like a moth to a flame. I had no control, I was driven; obsessive my wife might call me. I had to write!

"If one wakes up thinking of writing, one is a writer" Sound familiar? I think we all have heard that at one point or another in our career as a writer, even if we simply are doing this as a hobby or pastime. It means if we are driven to do something, to accomplish our dreams, then we are supposed to at least try to do that which we are dreaming of. We may not do it well, we may not ever make it in our lifetimes: but who can say where our words might come to light once more, might resurface and spur others to create something wonderful?

Another of my hubs here asks a similar question which I called it The Beginning Of An Echo. Who can say who will be standing downstream in the river of time, someone who sees and reads our words and is inspired? It is thrilling to believe that we, standing in the here and now, might just inspire a masterpiece! It is equally thrilling to simply write something down, express ourselves, document our lives in a manner never before seen in the history of the world. This electronic wilderness we are wandering in is allowing us to create something for future generations to read and marvel at, to be inspired by, or simply to find enjoyable, fascinating, amazing.

Am I the pebble?

Recently I had a thought, a simple little thought. I wondered if this old fireplace I had seen for years, standing all alone beside the highway might be good enough to become one of billibuc's famous Writer's Challenge for others to write about. I sent the thought to my mentor and great friend Bill and he found worth in it. He created a story and challenged others to do the same.

And thus the ripples began.

One after another after another stories were created based upon this little old lonely fireplace! It was given a life it had not known, nor would we ever have known or imagined without searching for it. Words both simple and majestic were put down into sentences and paragraphs and put out for others to read, comment on, be inspired by! Stories both personal and fictional shared between writers across the world! Oh how far have the ripples of this simple little pebble traveled!

And now I stand amazed that this sharing of an idea, this tiny question has brought so many wonderful stories to life where there had been none.

billibuc, Sallybea, Sarasairwarriaz, AudreyHowitt, Homeplace Series, MDavisatTIERS, cam8510 and countless others have undertaken to bring to life this simple little question I posed to Bill. I am absolutely in awe of the talents shown by these wonderful writers and the creativity they possess. I am amazed that each of them have taken up the gauntlet thrown down by Bill and accepted the challenge to create a story.Each is a masterpiece in its own right, showcasing their adaptability and the depth of their passion for creating something from nothing. That tiny pebble thrown into the vast ocean of writers has brought forth such ripples that have literally covered the world's oceans.

And each and every one of us here today, standing upon the shores of those vast waters has a pebble or two in our hands. To those who are fearful of tossing one into the water, fear not. Although it may appear to be swallowed up and nothing lasting appears to have come from it, have faith. Somewhere, sometime someone will notice it. They will become curious and read it. They will take an inspiration from it and create something uniquely them. They will cast their pebble into the waters where it will create its own ripple thereby continuing this amazing circle of ripples and pebbles, allowing others to enjoy works of art and then possibly create their own far into the unseen future.

Cast your pebble upon the water
Cast your pebble upon the water | Source

So, to wit: Am I a pebble or am I a ripple? I suppose the true answer is: both. Each of us has the ability within to be intrigued and inspired by others and to then turn around and create something which we then cast into the waters thereby creating those ripples once more which find their way to another and another and another. Each of us is both a pebble and a ripple. Each of us is in turn inspired and inspiring! Can you imagine?! You have inspired someone else, someone you may not even know to create a wondrous work of literature, of art, of life!

They might not write stories but they might sculpt, or write poetry, or simply take that which we felt deeply enough to put into words and make it their mantra, if you will. Perhaps your work makes someone smile, then that smile is passed along in another manner to someone else who needed that smile. Or a hug. Or a helping hand. Your pebble knows no boundaries!

How very true.
How very true. | Source

So where am I going with this? I truly don't know. It is just incredible to think that we are, in fact, inspiring wondrous things in others whether we realize it or not. Our words, our thoughts, our desires, our dreams can be and sometimes are picked up by others and brought to a reality we never dreamed of. It is a heady feeling, this knowledge of inspiration. Who can say the direction our thoughts may take under another's interpretation. They may be familiar, they may not. To one person this story may be about family; to another history. To yet another it may be something we ourselves could not dream of in a thousand years. And yet, they wait, patiently wait for us and others like us to discover them, to share them with the world. To give them a voice to the world.

Share your ideas with others. Share your dreams, your desires. Who knows, your words may just inspire the next great novel; the next amazing film; song; poem. The whole world waits for you. Cast your pebble into the waters and watch what happens!

We are all children standing beside the ocean, throwing pebbles into the water.

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