Apocalypse Poetry: The Age of Anarchy
I sit
And patiently wait
For the dawning of the Age of Anarchy
The last hours
Of civility
Are slowly waning away
The pressure
Is building up
And the ticking time bomb will go BOOM!
The impending chaos
Will swallow
The last traces of humanity
And the last drops
Of innocent blood
Will be spilled
And only then
Will men finally see the truth
A truth that I've known
Ever since the value of life
Was set at less than priceless
The pursuit of coin
Clinkety clankety
Shiny gleaming coin
The gold
More precious
Than the rays of the sun
That which was valued
More than any other
Virtue of man
Is now worthless
For in the Age of Anarchy
The only currency needed
Is the hunger to live