As I Recall Life on the Farm
As we wake up at dawn, the days began helping with the chores,
We brought the cows into be milked along with much, much, more.
The dog would fetch the cattle from a pasture near the barn.
And every animal earned their keep on the family farm.
I don’t have to wonder why I recall old memories today,
A farmer’s daughter never forgets the smell of fresh cut hay.
Years have gone by quickly since I left the chores behind,
But thoughts come drifting back to my nostalgia frame of mind.
We must never forget our roots we have buried in our past.
For one day soon our grandkids may have many things to ask.
As I recall life on the farm and share my story with them.
I’ll reminisce about the all the things I proudly did back then.
Memory Recall
Poetry is a great way to recall good memories. Think about what brought you to where you are today. Think about what your ancestors may have done in their day. Memories are reflections of our own history and the moments we hold dear. A simple verse can recall a moment, a place or a year.