Asylum of the Damned Poem
Asylum of the Damned
Asylum of the Damned
Inhabited by psychos
In padded rooms they’re crammed
For reasons no one knows
Decrepit walls of grime
Protect the world outside
Inmates pass the time
In their own minds they reside
Eerie creaks from metal beds
Resonate through the halls
Screaming voices in their heads
Ignoring demon’s calls
Insanity a state of mind
Brought on by lifelong stresses
Only made worse by the confined
Their illness just progresses
Walls pitch black and burned
From a past horrendous fire
Condemned souls here returned
Roaming their eternal pyre
Columbus, OH Lunatic Asylum Fire, Nov 1868
- Columbus, OH Lunatic Asylum Fire, Nov 1868 | GenDisasters ... Genealogy in Tragedy, Disasters, Fires
Columbus OH State Hospital for Insane.jpg THE BURNING OF THE OHIO LUNATIC ASYLUM.