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Author Interview with Ame Terra

Updated on January 4, 2021
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I am the author of three middle-grade children's books, and I blog on the side. My favorite topics are movies, writing, and pop culture.


Introducing Ame Terra

Whether traditionally or self-published, authors all work the same way. We get an idea, we write it down, and then we go from there. The process is always different though, and it's interesting to learn how a writer creates their stories.

Writer Ame Terra describes her writing rituals, inspirations, and successes in my interview with her below.

Earth No. 105 book cover


Earth No. 105 Birth cover


The Interview

1. How many books have you written?

One published, one to be published by the end of 2016, and many more swirling in my unhinged psyche.

Earth No. 105 (Book #1)

Earth No. 105: Birth (December 2016)

2. What famous books can you compare to your own?

This is a hard question. The series is a mix of young love, forbidden love, untamable superpowers, evil seduction, and biological contamination mixed with whiskey, surfing, and sex on the beach. Nothing comparable comes to mind.

3. Why do you write for this particular age group?

I didn’t write with a particular age group in mind. The series is character driven and their personalities are not suitable for…well, anyone offended by bad behavior.

4. How autobiographical are your books?

Readers who know me say they see me in the characters but I think they’re high. I don’t see it or maybe I just don’t know myself.

5. What’s the best compliment that you’ve ever received about your writing?

“Seriously, a retina scan activated sound barrier? I need one of those.”

Glad to hear my crazy brain brings out such desires.

6. What has been your greatest moment as a writer so far?

Connecting with other Indie authors through social media. It is a tight group of positivity and support, not to mention talent.

7. Where do you get your covers?

I create my own covers. Both represent the eyes of characters from the series. The blue earth eye belonging to Luna Koen and the green earth eye belongs to Zander Chale.

8. Who is your biggest fan?

My nine year old son. I am thinking of making a lighter version of the series for his age group. If I eliminate all the swearing, drinking and sex…who am I kidding, there would be three chapters left. Just kidding. It can be done and the series would be quite entertaining for his age group. A Percy Jackson (without all the Gods) and Flash (without all the goofy suits) mix that kids would love.

9. What is next for you?

My manic mind wrote a forbidden romance a few months ago. The crazy brain finished in 2 days. I’ve re-read it so many times I’ve lost count. I will probably never release it. It is…intense.

The Earth 105 series continues with one book finished (planned release in the spring 2017) and another swirling in my mind, needing to be unleashed.

I also wrote an odd, warped fantasy called Mimesis. The romantic journey of Kenna and Falcon, featuring an unusual mix of a blind artist, drug addiction and a catastrophe that brings to light the powers within, to be released in 2017.

Giving back is an important concept that I don’t see much of these days. Next for me is giving back to the Indie community who has supported me. The best way to do that is to read their books. I’ve started a book review of Indie’s only on my website. Share the love. It never gets old.

10. Provide a quote from one of your books.

“Well isn’t that a sweet, cryptic slice of bullshit with a shake of seduction.” -Tova Jurek, Earth No. 105

Lately it seems everyone is trying to hand me this. A bunch of BS covered with frosting. At least Tova gets a shake of seduction with hers.

11. What is an interesting fact about one of your characters that cannot be read in your book(s)?

Jash seduced Marilyn Monroe. He also discovered penicillin but let Alexander Fleming take the credit. He still takes the credit for bedding Monroe.

12. Where do you get your reading material (libraries, book sales, flea markets, eReader, etc.)?

I download eBooks and audiobooks from my local library using OverDrive. In November, I participated in a Virtual Book Fair with 50 other Indie authors. I purchased all 50 eBooks with plans to read, review and share.

13. Do you prefer old books or new books?

Both – as long as they are twisted. Wuthering Heights or The Hunger Games…doesn’t matter if the story blows my mind.

14. What’s your take on eBooks/eReaders?

Love them. Especially now that the airline industry allows you to use them during takeoff and landing.

15. When and where can you be found writing?

In the dark, at midnight with my MacBook Pro and a bottle of wine. I can usually be found in the same spot the next morning, not realizing the night has ended. Vampire envy.

16. Have you ever done research before writing a book?

I write with an uncontrolled acceleration, the objective being to transfer the words to the screen before my mind shuts down or worse, creates an alternative. It’s a fast process, usually in the late night hours, that leaves me mentally exhausted. After the insanity, I read what I wrote and laugh my ass off. Realizing I spent the night frantically typing paragraphs that have no substance or reality whatsoever is comical. Then the research begins.

17. What is the first piece of writing that you’ve ever had published? Where was it published, and what was it about?

Earth No. 105 is my first published book by Publish Green.

18. Do you keep a diary, a writer’s journal, none, both?

A diary? Scares the hell out of me. I can’t even…

19. How long does it take you to write a book?

The transfer of the idea is insanely fast. It’s an intense process, performed in the dark of the night involving red wine and bouts of carpal tunnel syndrome. The rest of the process is done in the light, slowly with a steady heart beat and white wine instead of red.

20. Who was this book written for?

I don’t understand this concept in general. I guess it makes sense to appreciate your family, friends, role models or pets publicly. To acknowledge that you may have neglected them from time to time or maybe for a full year as you strive to reach your goal of being a published author. I get it. It pulls at my heart. It’s a kind, sweet gesture by kind, sweet people. But for me, so far, I’m just not feeling it.

21. What famous author, living or dead, would you like to read a copy of your book?

Jane Austen. I think she would be hot for Jash’s seductive magnetism power. He’s a bit Mr. Darcy.

22. Who would you cast to star in a movie based on your book? Who would direct?

Brett Dalton (Grant Ward from Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D) to play Zander Chale.

Bryan Singer for director. My crew would need some X-Men experience.

23. Quote from a positive review of your book.

“A great romp with a little super powered sex to spice it up!”

This made me laugh.

Buy a copy of Earth No. 105 here!


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