Author Interview with Harel R. Lawrence
Harel R. Lawrence
Introucing Harel R. Lawrence
I couldn’t imagine being anything other than a children’s author at this point in time. My story ideas all revolve around childhood and child protagonists. It is my way of escaping from adulthood and jumping back into the past. Some authors, though, are inspired to write in different genres and share their ideas across multiple perspectives.
Author Harel R. Lawrence is one of those authors, having written three different books in three different genres from his own personal viewpoint. Check out my interview with Lawrence below.
Harel R. Lawrence books
The Interview
Name: Harel R. Lawrence
Book titles:
Inspirational book Take a Closer Look: A Spiritual Journey into the Soul
Children's book Skye's High Fly'n Adventures: How Skye Gets His Name
New Release Romance Riding on the Hearts of Love
1. How many books have you written and where can you buy them?
I have written three books, and you can buy them on Amazon, Barnes and Noble.
2. What has been your greatest moment as a writer so far?
Having people interested in reading my books
3. Where do you get your covers?
I got my recent covers from
4. What is next for you?
I am currently working on a Thriller called Surviving the Night and a Young Adult book A Friend I Didn’t Know I Had
5. Where do you get your reading material?
Libraries, book sales.
6. Do you prefer old books or new books?
I prefer both it depends on the story and the author.
7. What’s your take on eBooks/eReaders?
Ebooks are great if you looking for an inexpensive book and takes up less space.
8. How long does it take you to write a book?
About ten weeks.
9. What famous author, living or dead, would you like to read a copy of your book?
Laura Ingalls Wilder
10. Who would you cast to star in a movie based on your book? Who would direct?
Kirk Cameron and the director would be Alex Kendrix.