Autumn is Captivating
The shimmering hues of Autumn, Oh, what priceless pleasures to behold, Open wide your eyes and see, Fleeting is this season's ebullient array,
Green, yellow, gold, orange, red, brown, Hues I just don't recall seeing before, Here in this season there is artistic splendor, Witness with your own eyes,
Look at Autumn! Showing off and producing marvel, All of the Creator's majestic works, Creative strokes of brilliance everywhere, Up in the mountains, and all around,
I was merely walking along my way, The trees seem to shout, Behold the glories of our Creator! Fascinated at what my eyes were beholding, Orchestrated magnificence that I could not deny,
All under a stellar sunlit sky, Oh my, what excellence and goodness! As I journeyed, walking towards my destination, It appeared the terrestrial prompted questions within me,
I could hear and see the praise of God in every leaf, Most have fallen and some are still attached to branches, Yet ever ready to fall, but not without final words,
Isn't our Creator great the colors whispered? Ah, I replied, Yes indeed! is great to be praised, I reached to pick up a fallen leaf, When springs of thanks and praises were unleashed within me,
Why don't you add to our ascribed beauty, and glory? They seemed to resonate, and resound, Express what is impressed within you, By all of these glorious displays, Inviting me to join in the crescendo of praises,
The different colors represent praises offered, Before they drop and are no more, My soul shouted, Yes within me, your hues have inspired me, I will give thanks, and appreciation!
Praises will continually live in and through me, Out of me will pour prose, poetry, and song, Any means I can use to articulate wonder, I will tell of the Most High that I value, my sight is my core value and that I am delighted!
I deem God worthy of thanksgiving and adoration, For all the works of glory, I shall also give praises as well, For creating such delight in me for nature, and filling my heart with such joy,
I will tell all creatures wherever I go, and all who will listen, The Creator is Savior and satisfies in all things which are created.