Naked and Free
Naked And Free
This is me and I'm in the world,
Or the world is in me as I think,
When I walk, I see others walk,
Or they see me walk past them.
I think of them and all of me,
Do others also think that way ?
I love to peek into their minds,
And gauge the fleeting stares.
I go back to the time gone by,
My sorrows, joys, and my pain,
Flutter in the lap of my mind,
I wonder at the galloping sight,
How moments rush to vanish !
Like a swift wind past my face,
Every one I see is in a hurry,
I feel fabric of my existence.
And worry about cares of life,
Things to do at home and out,
Guys I watch, all are the same,
Or are they different I fantasy ?
Are we important or the ideas ?
These make us to look beyond,
Or can ruin and rob of breath,
We go mad over many things.
Some kill or get killed for words,
Even God is no more a solace,
Why the alphabet of life is tough ?
And the language of living hard.
Why eyes look gloomy and sad ?
How men flock to destruction !
Why do the fires rage everywhere ?
Peace and love long for embrace.
A Dignified Gait
I search for smiles and laughs,
And wild vibrations in the heart,
Why glances at me are vague ?
How fake are even greetings !
Why the senses are so immune ?
Do we feel death more than life ?
Where went eyes soaked in love ?
Tongues spinning magic words.
Long to see a guy walk past me,
With a bit of smile on his face,
And a word of love in his heart,
Am I insane in this wise world ?
People would sure laugh at me,
On devil's edge, I beseech divine !
And discard attires good or bad,
I want to shrug off right or wrong
Aware of me, I tread the path,
Strewn with dead leaves all over,
Wipe the slate off sticky norms,
Extract all fake out of my veins.
Crucify all spots ever touched,
Hug my spirit naked and free,
Live and fill all senses with joy,
And depart with a dignified gait.
© Harish Mamgain
Knot upon knot, there was no release; the world was lost in things of the sense-- Kabir