Yes, Life goes on, here on our Little Barrier Island. We are fine. We lost both Cars to Salt Water Damage, and turned to our Insurance Company for help...So here once again the Story continues... Enter "Geico" Insurance Company.
First off let me say, Help didn't come in the form of the "Gecko". Which actually I was hoping to meet. I envisioned us taking a walk along the Sandy Beach, my hair blowing softly in the breeze, as we kicked some Sand, just like in the Commercial. Instead, "Help" came in the form of a little Green, white & yellow Car, with the "Gecko's" picture on the side. Our Hero, the "Adjuster" stepped out, took a deep Breath and surveyed our Cars, before ringing the front door bell. This all took place last Saturday morning...EARLY Saturday morning, I might add. I heard the front door bell ringing and nearly threw Lover Man out of Bed. "Quick, the door bell is RINGING"! I yelled in his ear. Lover Man stumbled out of bed looking like a bad dream. "Go, go", I yelled again. After a few minutes, he comes back and tells me to join them out front. I quickly throw on my Jeans and a Top, run into the Bathroom to brush my teeth...Yes, I did... As I think of Lover Man waiting out side in his PJ Bottoms and Shirt, his hair all messed from sleep... and UNBRUSHED TEETH! I look in the mirror, and SCREAM, silently, as I run a comb through my hair, and splash my face with COLD water. And then I run through the house (Lover Man NEVER RUNS) out the front door.
I say to the Adjuster, after we are introduced, "Geico" said it could be 8 DAYS before someone would be here. I am really impressed, it's only been 1 DAY"! He looks like he is Beaming with Pride. "Ok, he say's, as he turns to the cars, let's get started. He has a little instrument which he measures, this and that, and writes quickly on his clip board. He is finished and now putting stickers on each car that state TOTAL LOSS. Arrangements will be made for them to be picked up. They will be in touch next week to let us know what our cars are worth, and when they will be picked up. Lover Man's car only had 10,000 miles on it. My PT Cruiser had 77,000. Sad...But the Good Part, both cars are paid for. We say our "Goodbyes" and Thank him, and then watch him drive away.
We walk back up to the front porch and turned to see "Nutsy" the Squirrel running up the sidewalk, and he looks like he has a mouth full of something. He doesn't see us as he heads for my BIG Flower pot at the end of the driveway. He climbs in and starts to bury what was in his mouth. Then, he sees us, and I know what he's thinking...Should he, or Shouldn't he? And can he trust us not to eat whatever it is! Now I have to tell you, this Squirrel, has been IN LOVE with ME for the past 41/2 years! Ok, I know to the average person, that sounds just plain "Nutty". It doesn't matter. Anyway he LOVES me, but still when it comes to his Mouth watering treats, he's not about to Share. I wrote a Hub about "Nutsy" a while back, called "Oh Nuts to you"... Which would give you better insight to our relationship.
That night at Dinner, we found ourselves talking about "Nutsy" for we hadn't seen him since Hurricane Sandy. So it was nice to know that he was ok. I said, dryly, "I wonder if he's still seeing his Squirrel Lady, or had they broken up"? Lover Man replied, "Well, maybe Not, but he's always had a "Thing" for you as well". Then we looked at one another, and started to Laugh. We were actually discussing the LOVE LIFE of a Squirrel...How Nutty was that? We both said in Unison, "I think we've been on this Barrier Island TOO Long"!