Beauty is
A state of mind.
The world is
______© Nellieanna H. Hay
Shepherdesses’ song
From universal majesty
To tiny little germs,
Elephants and mountains,
Slimy little worms.The Earth pearl set in beauty
‘Mid all her chiming throngs,
While all her sights and smells
Swell to melodies of songs,Here is abundant loveliness,
A feast for all mankind,
Whose only limitations
Live only in his mind.
______© Nellieanna H. Hay
Beautiful free spirits
Float and flow
To fill the atmosphere,
Caress without attachment
Set spirit free to grow
In bountiful beauty,
Becoming, here, at last -
Becoming all
It's meant to be.
______© Nellieanna H. Hay
Do you believe in beauty?
I do; ~
Not fantasy
Nor logic,
Nor science
Nor art,
Nor chance
It IS.
All things simply merge
In natural order,
Crystallize in awareness,
Require no magic formula
Or symbols, - to be.
Beauty renews itself,
Unknown except
As experienced
In each moment it exists
And is perceived; ~
In the beautiful
Eternal Now.
~ © Nellieanna H. Hay
Chinese bamboo flute
Each glimpse of beauty
Brightens through my day.
My heart and soul it teases.
Crackling of leaves
Beneath my step
Fallen from russet trees -
Shadows of tree limbs
Trembling on brick wall
Cast by setting amber sun -
Fireplace aromas,
Wispy arms of smoke,
Tickled by soft breezes -
A smiling friendly face
Helped with grocery stash
Wanting only, so, to please.
Gentle hush of fading day
Settles ‘round the house
As evening has begun.
______© Nellieanna H. Hay
Shoreline silhouettes
Against the blazing sky.
Black - laced woods beautify
This scene I share with you.
Placid water merged with sunset,
Unicolored waves and clouds
Unify into a subtle unity
Imprinted on the view.
If I knew a way
I’d gather a sunset bouquet
To fill your inner room
With final fragrance of the day.
I’d bring to you the sea in pails
To water and to nourish it.
I'd fly away distractions
On wings of silken sails.
I’d open up the gates to freedom
So you could soar the air above
Till care became forgotten.
. . . . . I know a way! - 'tis love!
______© Nellieanna H. Hay
© 2013 Nellieanna Hay