Baby in Your Face: A Poem
This poem is part of a series of poems I wrote last year where I let out my frustration and desire to bring other people to God. It's a sad thing to see people crushed by the weight of their lives, when you know Christ has the power to restore a person to who he/she was meant to be. When I converted to Christianity in 2016, I was burning with desire to help and give hope to everyone I knew. I quickly learned it's not that simple, and poetry helped me cope with that realization.
Baby in Your Face
I saw a baby in your face
and wanted to love it
save it
from being smothered
in your layers
there wasn't much time
I clawed your eyes
wanting to scratch away
the gray weight
so it could see
I smoothed your creases
peeled back the skin
knowing that a red
screaming baby
lies within
you were so thick
I couldn't reach
so I tore through
muscle, fat, bone
reached inside
found it
sick and dying
your one hope
almost gone
I kissed him
held him
made him laugh
raised up the real you
© 2018 Veronica McDonald