Jesus Christ We Love You!
"Beloved Jesus"
The Honorable Lord Jesus Christ is the most loved who has ever walked the face of the earth.
The word earth scrambled is the word heart. How applicable is that for aiming at our hearts as we live out life on earth? I do not know of anyone who has lived, is living, or ever shall live who will or can exceed the love we as believers have for the Lord Jesus Christ. Only God the Father can trump our cards with love so pure, and holy for Jesus, His beloved Son, in whom He is well pleased, before and after Calvary. When we listen to Jesus we receive instructions on how to love. Every parable and word spoken by Him is loaded with love, and at times tough love.
God the Father loved Jesus before the world came into manifestation and materialized. Our love commences at the cross of Calvary, when we see the light of what He accomplished for us, and begin to understand the price He paid for our holistic freedom true love is birthed.
We are illuminated at the cross and the precious blood He shed to set us free from sin is our pathway to loving Him. We are sinners saved by grace, but what Jesus wrought for us goes beyond the ability to ever commit sin. He purchased for us with His blood a sin free life that our flesh really never will know in all righteousness and reality, because it knew and knows how to sin. Jesus wrought for us a life of no sin, sin will be non-existent in eternity and there will be no more sinners. We will in actuality know what it is like to live without sin’s existence. Now that is worth a shout! Hallelujah!
I don’t believe, perceive or think there will ever be anyone who is loved more by men, women, boys and girls, which can ever hold a candle to, or even compare with the love we believers, have for Jesus. There is an innumerable and countless host who love, adore, cherish, favor, treasure and dearly love, the Lord Jesus Christ. Before the New Testament, while it was occurring and long after, where we are positioned today, all who believe will come to love Him.
Jesus we love You, signed Ecclesia!
We always hear, and desire to know how much God loves us through Christ Jesus. But how much is He loved by us through the Body of Christ is essential as well. We should spend more time defining the love we have for the Father, and Jesus Christ. Every believer’s heart has this expression of love within it; some just can’t keep it inside and must tell God that they love Him with all of their hearts, minds, strength and souls and love for others emanates from our love for God. It is an expression that just can’t be contained within us, it must be released and uttered to God. We anticipate going into His presence just to tell Him that we love Him. Nothing compares to what Jesus is to believers, the only love more powerful is that of the Father for the Son. We have this treasure of love in us to give Him thanks, praise and worship and adore Him.
Jesus is our beloved Savior and we love and adore Him. The songwriter wrote that falling in love with Jesus was the best thing he had ever done. He defined exactly what my heart always wants to say and sing. I love You Jesus and You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. I know I speak for all believers everywhere, in every nation, land, country and region as one voice when I say Jesus I love You!
Search the history of men and women and I am certain that you will never find anyone who has lived past, present, and future who is more loved than Jesus Christ. I encourage you to never be ashamed to utter with your mouth, Jesus I love You, anytime of the day. Let your tongue be that pen of a ready writer King David inspired, and let adoration for Jesus be continually in your mouth.
Jesus I love You!
To know Jesus is to love Him. Loving Jesus is an emotional miracle beyond any creatures’ ability to produce in you or I and it is full of healing power. I thought Jesus’ love for us was awesome and it is. Recently I have found that loving Jesus is ointment for whatever ails me. Tell God you love Him today and don't delay. Take a moment right now and just say, Honorable Father, Son and Holy Spirit, I LOVE YOU! I know you will experience joy.
In the world we experience being in love with others, and doesn’t that make life worthwhile? You feel you can leap over mountains with this new found love. It makes you feel really good. It is better to love, than never to have loved at all. Love is wonderful on every level. But loving Jesus is something you must know for yourself. To direct your adoration and affections towards Him and mean it, is the most gratifying and satisfying of all emotions. This is where emotional healing begins, loving God. It is our only response after finding out how much He loves us.
Have you ever loved someone who just couldn’t or didn’t have the ability or power to love you back? How did that make you feel? If your answer is yes, then you are familiar with emotional pain. Loving Jesus heals all of that pain. God is the author of love towards us and we respond in accordance with His love. His love strikes chords of wonder and harmony in our spirits and souls and it heals all of our inner woes. It translates into a relationship of standard and quality for us. It is a relationship that takes on the attributes of reciprocity. A one-sided love is no longer accessible or assessable. Jesus loves us and we love Him too, that’s reciprocal.
We hope that when we love others that they will respond with and in the spirit of love which can be equitable and provide us with balance, but that is not always the case. However, It is the cause of God, because only He is the same yesterday, today and forevermore. God's love is one we can believe in, and it gives us power to face anything. In His love there is assurance that He will never deceive our hearts like they have bee deceived prior to His love. Who can separate us from the love of God? Isn’t that the quality we look for in life with others, the consistency that makes love flow like a river. You will have to concede that only in God does consistency flow unhindered. Consistency and constancy are emphatics we all need to rest assured that this love will never fail. We know of the failures in loving someone who doesn't have any to return, or the quality we are seeking. The fact that love doesn't fail is evident and should be a signal and alarm that only the attempt to love and receive fails, love will never fail.
Our love should now flow towards God as a river. This is what makes us consistent in loving Jesus, our ever flowing love for Him. It is having the hope and blessed assurance that loving Him is the best decision that you will ever make.
Loving Jesus is making us complete and entire. It was the love of God that drew us and produced hope and faith in His love to protect us from all harm. God’s love is a protective shield that nothing can penetrate. Tribulation, adversity, oppression, opposition, fiery darts, maneuvers, plots, plans, all assignments of sin against us are cancelled because the love of God is greater. We experientially walk in love as we love Him in return, and we walk in fellowship and relationship with Him.
There is an old secular song with a potent message. It is entitled, “I love you for all seasons.” Songs of this sort always seem like they were written for the worship of the Creator, it was used for love on a natural plane. The words go like this:
I love you for all seasons,
Which means, I love you for all reasons
First of all I love you with the freshness of a spring day,
I love you with the sunlight on a summer day
I love you with the gentleness of a failing leaf on an autumn day,
I love you with the briskness of a winter day,
I don’t know how to explain;
The seasons do change and
Are never the same,
All I know is I love you for all seasons,
Which means, I love you for all reasons.
This is a song about all seasons which only God would be able to provide clarity for as we experience time, seeing He created them all. As we experience the different seasons we do learn how to love Him through the climates of all the seasons. There are sooooo many reasons why we love Jesus.
The adversity of winter seems to take a seat, but God's love declares that it cannot stay seated, we learn to love Him through adversity, pain, and struggles. On the mountaintop of spring and summer, we learn to love Him more and more. When everything seems to fall apart in the autumn we learn to love him even more, until as the message in this song we can sing to, Jesus I love you for all reasons which mean I love you for all seasons.
There is such a crowd of witnesses seen and unseen, alive and dead, some yet to come, but one thing I am sure about is....... to know the Honorable Lord Jesus Christ is to love Him.
Heavenly Father - I Love You!
Prayer of Love
Honorable, Heavenly, Holy, Righteous, and Everlasting Father,
I bow my life to You, and
I come before the throne of grace to say I love You,
I love You and I am thankful for this impartation of light
To see who You are through Your Son Jesus, and
By revelation through the Holy Spirit.
I've chosen at this moment in time,
Just to tell You that I love You, Father. and
I love You Jesus!
This is what my heart wants to shout aloud!
I know You love me, but